No One Believes That

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"Yo, nerd," Gogo greeted Hiro. "I gotta ask you a question."

"Ask away," Hiro went along with whatever Gogo was going to say. He was just chilling in the library, catching up on some studying when his friend pulled a chair up next to him.

"So you and Karmi?" Gogo was going to try to get the information out of him on way or another. If one of those ways involved getting to smack Hiro upside the head, than she was going to be more than okay with it.

Hiro did a sound of realization. "Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that little detail. Remember when Momokase kinda turned her into a pin cushion? Well, we became friends that night."

"Oh, cool."

Gogo knew that something had happened that night because Karmi and Hiro hadn't fought since. Or at least not that she knew of.

Besides, she wanted to win the bet that she had made against her girlfriend. It was all good fun, though, and she wasn't going to force them together if they really are just friends.

"Do you know anything about her?" Gogo asked. Like yeah the two are friends but do they really know that much about each other?

"Huh?" Hiro didn't understand the question, apparently. For being a teen genius, he could be really stupid when it comes to things that aren't academic.

Gogo sighed. "You guys are friends. But, how good of friends are you?"

Hiro shrugged. "How good of friends can we be after like a couple of days?"

"Why don't you try getting to know her better?" Gogo suggested. "But why don't you try doing it as Captain Cutie and Hiro. It'll show you her truest form."

It's extremely wrong. It's basically lying to the poor girl. But, if Karmi is actually someone who she doesn't say the she is, then she needed to make sure that Hiro wasn't going to get hurt.

After all, toxic and abusive friendships can be just as traumatizing as relationships.

"She could be a villain working for Obake for all that we know," Hiro joked. "You're right. I need to make sure that she's on our side. After all, I did say that it seemed fishy for her to be stabbed so suddenly."

It's not that it was fishy, Gogo thought to herself. It's the fact that it happened when you guys were getting along already that makes this seem really odd.

"For all you know, Obake could be kidnapping her every night and forcing her to play Monopoly." Gogo forcibly laughed. She knew that Hiro could take some things too seriously, and he didn't need that many ideas in his head.

It's good to have concerns. She has them too. But there's a fine line between concern and being straight up suspicious. Hiro can't cross that line in case Karmi really is just someone who has no bad secrets.

"Would he make her play the whole game?" Hiro fake gasps in horror.

"All twelve hours. He doesn't even let her read the rules like people only do when an argument breaks out."

Hiro gasps again, and shakes his head in disbelief. He turns back to his study guide and puts his headphones back in. He still says, "I think I'll do what you suggested to do, though."

Gogo knows that this is where the conversation ends since Hiro has gone back to studying. She smiles at him once, and walks away.

She was so going to win this bet.

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