Really Trying Here

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Hiro was hanging out with his friends when he felt the guilt.

Fred was trying to balance an egg on a spoon when he saw her. Hiro saw Karmi acting the way that she always does. Keeping to herself and not bothering anyone else. No difference.

Except, he knew otherwise. He knew that Karmi kept to herself so her dad wouldn't get mad at her for not being a robotics major. He wasn't supposed to know this though. This information wasn't for him.

Everyone needs someone to be there for them in a time of need. Hiro wanted to be that person. He can't describe it, but he has this feeling of always wanting to be with her. He doesn't know how to explain it.

He didn't want to go into full details. He doesn't want to explain to anyone else the feeling of wanting to be with someone. To want to be with someone...

Oh fuck...

Hiro was hit with a wave of new emotions. To want to be with someone. When he says this, does he mean that he... And Karmi...

What does Hiro mean?

He doesn't know. He'll figure that out later. For now, he stood up from his place on the grass underneath a shady tree and walked towards his friend. The rest of the gang was left confused. Fred even dropped the egg.

"Hey, Karmi," Hiro greeted. He ignored the little voice in the back of his head. It was bothering him, especially with what it was trying to tell him. He couldn't listen to it.

"Hey," Karmi nodded at him. She wasn't acting any different from the way that she normally does. How is she not acting weird with what she told Captain Cutie literally yesterday?

It's not okay. It's not okay that she acts like getting yelled at is a regular occurrence. She acts like at this point that it doesn't even bother her anymore. How does this happen?

Hiro decided that he was going to step up as a friend and give her the support that Karmi needed. He put one foot forward and wrapped his arms around her waist, giving her a hug.

"I'm sorry..." He doesn't know what he's apologizing for. But, he wants her to know that he's here for her. He felt Karmi's arms around his neck, completing the hug.

"I need help," Karmi sniffled. He felt her face go into his neck. It was a bit awkward because she was taller than him and height difference™, but he was still willing to make it work.

For her.

To want to be with someone.

"I'm here," Hiro tightened his grip around her waist, feeling the soft material of her turtleneck on his knuckles. He ran his hands along the stitches of her sweater.

The sniffles continued. He wasn't going to let her go until she wanted him to. He couldn't tell if she was crying just by the sounds of her sniffling, but he still wasn't going to stop holding her unless she told him she was uncomfortable.

"Are you here?" Karmi asked. Her voice sounded raspier than the way that it usually does. Maybe she was crying.

"Always," Hiro assured her.

"Can we talk, then?"


A/N - I wrote this while literally dead because of a fever I apologize for it probably making no sense my eyes were barely open 💀💀

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