The Grandkids Will Love This Story

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"Hiro?" Wasabi called in a sing song voice as they all sat down for a two am snack while studying.

"Yes?" Hiro looks up from his apple, Gatorade, and eight empty packets of pixy sticks. "What is so important that you have decided to distract me from this perfect apple?"

"What's important?" Honey Lemon looked scandalized. "What's important is that our little Hiro is growing up. Parents don't exaggerate when they talk about how their kids are their life."

"I am not your life." Hiro pretended to be a mad middle aged mom. "Your life should consist of your studies, work, and how your mental and physical health are doing."

"Uh oh," Go Go scoffed. "What's going on with her?" Honey Lemon not so discreetly hit Go Go on the arm. Hiro looked at where Go Go was looking at when she had mentioned somebody.

Hiro saw Karmi grabbing at her arm, holding herself up by the wall of the dining hall. She hazily reached out for the door and left the hall, leaving Hiro with questions.

"That is weird." Hiro stood up. She could be doing something suspicious with the way that she snuck out. With the way she acted the other day, it's not very surprising. Besides, it's two in the morning.

He opened the door to the dining hall and found Karmi walking along a wall, still clutching her arm. She went into the biotech lab, but not before looking around her to see if anyone saw her. Hiro followed.

When Hiro opened the door to the lab, he heard soft cries coming from around the corner. That made his suspicions arise more, and he walked until he found who was making the noises, though he feels he knew who it is

"What are you doing?" Hiro asked when he saw Karmi on the floor, back to the wall, and clutching her arm.

"Go away." She attempted to cover up the rest of her arm, but Hiro was still able to see what she was hiding.

"Is that blood?" Hiro asked, taking notice of the red-stained orange turtleneck.

"I..." Karmi sighed and wiped her eyes dry. "I was walking home after my shift when I saw Momosake. But, I guess she saw me before I saw her or something."

"What do you mean?" Hiro knew where this was heading, but he didn't want to admit it. He didn't like it when people that he knew were and/or had been in danger.

"The next thing I knew, one of her knives had cut my forearm. I managed to get the bleeding to stop, but I struggled to get here so I can properly take care of my arm."

Hiro stood up. "Wait here." He hadn't brought Baymax with him, and instead left him inside of the dining hall. He was running before he knew it, and ridiculously angry.

"I can't freaking believe it." Hiro yelled as he opened the door to the dining hall again. He got weird stares from other people who were also there at the unruly hour.

"What happened, Hiro?" Honey Lemon questioned.

"Monosake attacked Karmi." Hiro grabbed Baymax. "Now, I'm going to go." He didn't bother more explanation. He accidentally knocked over a chair in an attempt to hurry out.

"My sensors detect that you are angry and stressed. Are you alright?" Baymax asked as they ran.

"I'm fine." Hiro growled.

Momosake doesn't know their identities. She doesn't know that Hiro and Karmi have any sort of connection. Why in absolute hell would Momosaks attack his partner for a project?

Baymax saw Karmi on the floor and scanned her. Hiro sat next to her and watched as the robot worked his magic. One of the first things that Baymax did was clean her wound.

When Baymax sprayed the hydrogen peroxide on the cut, Karmi let out a tiny yelp of pain as it stinged her. She shot her hands next to her and gripped Hiro's hand tightly.

Hiro ran his thumb over her knuckles to let her know that she was okay. Her connection to him was probably what made this happen in the first place. Hiro at least felt guilty.

"It is advised to not use your right arm for three days. Apply new bandages every night to your arm. Clean the wound with hydrogen peroxide or iodine." Baymax was finished bandaging her up, and gave her a sticker on the bandages.

"Good thing I'm left handed." Karmi joked. To still be joking after pretty much getting stabbed in the arm seems like a pretty cool thing to do.

"Can you tell me everything that happened? Only if you want to, though." Hiro now felt like everything that he said was going to make her cry. Again.

Karmi sighed. "I had a late shift today. I decided to walk home at one thirty in the morning, because for some reason I thought that it was a good idea when I thought of it.

"I get about across the street from the school and I feel a horrible pain in my right arm. I turn and see Momosake. She ran away after, leaving me with an arm that her knife had grazed." She finished explaining.

"Jesus..." Hiro muttered. How was Momosake going to attack somebody he knew? She didn't know his identity. Why would she attack someone she thought to be a random person?

"Thank you, for helping me when I needed it." Karmk looked at Hiro dead in the eyes, like she was sincere about this.

"You're welcome."

Maybe it was the smile that they shared at this moment, but whatever it was, Karmi and Hiro became friends at two in the morning, on the floor of the biotech lab.

A/N - this is barely over 950 words. Sorry student athlete here I'mma just write this at practice next time I stg I'm gonna-

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