Thanks! I Hate It

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"I can't fucking stand you right now." Hiro growled.

"Well, at least that's one thing that we can agree on." Karmi responded.

"A young boy at your age should not use that kind of language." Baymax reminded.

Granville had paired them up on another project. The professor obviously had little knowledge as to the fact that the two teens dislike each other.

"How did we get here?" Hiro sighed at the papers and materials littering his lab. The papers were filled with equations upon plans about their project.

"I don't know." Karmi checked her phone. "But, I have at least two hours before I gotta go to work so we better agree on something other than not being able to stand each other."

The project was one that Hiro had already passed on. To make a building that could withstand a nine point zero or higher on the Richter Scale.

Apparently, Hiro's design was good, but everyone believed he could do better with a partner around. Thus, the pairing was introduced.

"Well, can we at least agree that my last idea wasn't so stupid, then?" Hiro argued, picking a paper off of his desk.

"Your brother did the exact same thing." Karmi grabbed the paper from him. "We are not going to do the same thing as somebody from the past."

"We're geniuses." Hiro threw his hands into the air. "Why can't we do this?"

Karmi groaned. "Maybe working on this more when my shift ends could help us."

She had a point. They would force themselves to be nicer to each other. That, and add the coffee and blueberry scones that Aunt Cass sold.

"Can't argue with that." Hiro noticed a discarded paper on the floor with an equation that actually made sense. "So, it's a date then?"

Hiro didn't even notice his poor choice of words. He continued to stare at the girl whose face was slowly turning the shade of a strawberry.

"We are going to work on a project when my shift ends because we have to be nice to each other for your Aunt Cass." Karmi sounded like she was reminding herself about this.

"Okay, that's happening." Hiro showed the paper he had previously picked up. "You know what else is happening? This perfectly logical design."

"Oh my-" Karmi slammed her head into the desk.

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