Being Selfish...

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"Are you okay?" Was the first question that Hiro asked once he and Karmi were alone.

Karmi had a class to get to earlier and she had work after. Aunt Cass was completely fine with Hiro taking her employee and spending time with her. Aunt Cass wanted this after all.

"Not really," Karmi shrugged her shoulders. "I'm just... It's hard. Life is really hard right now. I need someone to talk to but if you don't want to then I understa-"

Hiro interrupted her before she even had the chance to speak again. "I'll be here. That's what friends are for. You ever need someone to talk to and I'm here."

Karmi smiled in gratitude. "I just... I have a really hard home life. My dad is really hard on me about grades. It's like I can never do right in his eyes. I don't know how to fix that."

Oh shoot. She actually took the advice that Captain Cutie gave her. Hiro was not expecting this. He didn't think she was going to listen to him. It's good for her, though.

"Have you thought about maybe talking to him?" Yes, the most basic of replies is what he had to say to her. He wants to help, but he has to make it seem like he hasn't heard this before.

She put a hand to her head, messing up the hair in the front of her ponytail. "No, actually. I've thought about it before. I just don't want to try it because I don't think that he'll listen."

Hiro didn't know what to say to that. He knows that he has to be here for her to support her.

To want to be with someone.

"Nah, it's dumb anyways," Karmi shook her head. "I barely stopped being mean to you. I shouldn't be telling you my life story. Sorry for bothering you. I'll be on my way now."

Hiro wasn't going to let her go that quickly.

He grabbed her wrist as she started to walk away. "People in need always need help."

"Hiro," Karmi took her wrist back. "I wanted to say that I'm sorry. I'm really sorry for treating you like crap over and over again. I was such a bitch and I'm so sorry. You probably don't forgive me, and that's okay. You can take all the time needed to forgive me. You don't even have to. I understand why you wouldn't. I treated you like crap. I'm sorry for that."

He doesn't think he's ever heard a more genuine apology. Hiro is going to be completely truthful when he says that he doesn't forgive her. She was a bully, and he isn't going to let her off the hook like that.

But she actually sounded sorry. She continued to sound sorry as she kept talking. "I regret it all now. You were smarter than me and I didn't want to believe that, so I bullied you instead of taking a step back and coming to terms with myself. I took it out on you when I shouldn't have and now I'm rambling aha. Okay, I'm really sorry."

Hiro grabbed her wrist again and pulled her into a hug. "I can't forgive that easily. But, I will be here for you."

To want to be with someone.

A/N - I've been dead with a fever sorry

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