My Destiny As A Cat

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"We're going to leave you two alone," Aunt Cass pushes everyone out of the cafe (where they were) and onto the stairs where they're probably still listening.

They were really going to leave them alone. Standing underneath a god damn mistletoe that required something that he pretty much knew Karmi wouldn't be up for.

Alexa, remind him to murder his friends and aunt when this was over. Alexa, play Scar Tissue by Red Hot Chili Peppers because he was sure he was going to have a couple of cuts in his heart when they were done here.

Hiro looked at Karmi once they were alone, up at the mistletoe, and back at her. He didn't really know what to say. What is he supposed to say in a situation like this?

"I gotta tell you this," Karmi took a deep breath and closed her eyes. "I told Wasabi something and I guess he told the rest of your friends because here we are."

He pushed down his feeling of wanting to be with someone and listened intently. He clung onto every word that she spoke. "What was it?"

Karmi said nothing as she took a step closer to him. "I-"

They were interrupted when Baymax popped his head in from the stairs. "Karmi messaged Wasabi about what to do with her feelings for Hiro and-"

He caught a glimpse of GoGo's hands yanking Baymax back. She still tried to be hidden, but he knew that they were watching them from the beginning. "Continue!" She shouted from her place on the stairs.

Hiro turned back to face Karmi. Did she... Did she really? He doesn't know how to deal with stuff like this. He's inexperienced, considering he was never surrounded by people close to his age. Okay, did she like him? Like, like him like him?

"You-" he tried to say, but was quickly cut off.

"I didn't know that was gonna happen this is really embarrassing I am so sorry I can't believe it's happening like this I didn't know this was gonna go down I can't believe myself and I actually really like you but I don't know what to say-"

Hiro took this as an opportunity and went for it. He leaned in, ignoring the fact that she had been talking, and kissed Karmi.

She didn't kiss back, and Hiro really hoped that was because of the shock. He thought in his head of the worse possible reasons as to why she isn't kissing him back.

Maybe saying 'I actually really like you' means something completely different to her. She could mean as a friend and he completely understood her wrong.

What if this didn't even mean anything to her? What if kissing her is meaningless and doesn't matter at all? She couldn't care at all, and he'd have to deal with a one sided kiss since he's pouring his heart and soul into this.

When they pulled away, she lightly smacked his shoulder. "Don't interrupt me when I'm talking."

But Hiro could see the smile that she was trying to hide. He couldn't help his own smile from spreading across his face. He had just kissed Karmi and she didn't throw anything at him or horribly reject him.

He's ecstatic. He's jumping off of the walls in his mind. His heart is beating at least at one hundred miles an hour metaphorically. This is going well, and his adrenaline is off the charts.

"I guess what I mean to say is-"

Screw every ounce of logic I ever had, Hiro thought as he cut her off again. "I like you too."

"First of all, I'm going to kill you if intervene in my speaking again," she jokingly threatened. "Second, wait what?"

Hiro shrugged. "It was a thought in the back of my head that I'm telling you about now." He knew it before he leaned in. That feeling of want whenever he wanted to be with someone was because of her.

She's the one who made Hiro act like an idiot whenever his mind filled up with the thought of possibly being with someone. She's the one who he thought about whenever he wanted someone.

"You're seri-"

He risked his life when he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her again. For how young he is, he got his very limited knowledge from Tadashi, who was constantly hit on.

The breath in his lungs was limited, so he made the most of the time. He stroked her cheek with his thumb, and he felt one of her hands wrap around his wrist.

His lips, he felt, fit perfectly on hers. They were stacked, in a way. He was kissing her bottom lip, which was smooth and soft. Their teeth clunked at some point and their noses bumped each other a couple of times.

They couldn't stay like that for very long when oxygen demanded itself. Freaking air and the will to live. They pulled apart breathless, with red cheeks and stupid smiles.

"You did it again," Karmi shook her head. "I will literally never forgive you for cutting me off. When I tell people the story of how we first kissed, I'm going to lead with your dumbass barging in."

Hiro laughed and put his face on her shoulder. "I bet you will," he looked at her. He looked at the girl who he had kissed seconds ago, who was smiling like an idiot. Her lips appeared tempting to press against again.

That didn't happen when Aunt Cass and everyone else came out from their not so secret hiding spot on the stairs where they watched the whole exchange.

"You guys went from strangers to not being able to stand each other to only being slightly pissed off in the other's presence to friends and now we're here," Honey concluded. "How adorable."

They both laughed as Hiro swung an arm around Karmi. "And now you can add boyfriend and girlfriend to the list if she accepts."

His smooth flattery and talk is the only thing getting him through this. It was enough for Karmi, for she laughed as she nodded in response to his question.

Everyone around them clapped, and Hiro made sure to thank Aunt Cass later for hiring Karmi, his girlfriend, to work at the Lucky Cat Cafe.



Aaaaaand we have concluded.

I love literally everyone who read this. You were all the nicest people in the comments and you guys gave me the encouragement to keep going with this story. I love y'all so much.

This book was so much fun to write. And I hope to have another idea for some kind of fic when season 2 of the show comes around. Who knows. I may be brainstorming already;))))

Then again it's five am rn and I can barley think so he yy who knows.

I wrote this while sick and batshit busy with cheer. But I loved writing this because of everyone reading it. You guys are the best <3

Funny enough, ask anyone irl who knows me and I got sick again haha

Love you guys so freaking much! Bye!!

-Noemi 💞

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