Girls Supporting Girls

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If there's somebody that Honey Lemon thought she wouldn't talk to, it was Karmi.

Honey Lemon was casually chilling outside of the chemistry building, waiting for her girlfriend, when she heard somebody calling her name. Gogo doesn't usually get out of class for at least another half hour.

"Honey Lemon, wait!" The blond girl decided to finally turn around and see who was trying to get her attention. She was quite surprised to see Hiro's partner for their assignment.

"Karmi?" Honey Lemon questioned. They're both two different majors. There's really no reason for her to be coming up to the older girl.

"I really need your help," Karmi began talking at a very fast pace. Honey Lemon did not pick up on a single word that she was saying. She had never seen this before in the biotech major.

Honey Lemon patted her shoulder and motioned for her to stop. "I think that you should slow down. You're obviously very panicked. Why don't we go talk somewhere?"

"I've never had friends before." Karmi put a hand to her head and smacked herself. "I've never had a friend, so I've never been friends with the opposite sex before. What do I do?"

Ah. So that's what the poor girl is freaking out over. But why come to Honey Lemon? Karmi could go to anyone about this. The only reason she would be coming to her would be if...

"Is this new friend Hiro?"

Karmi simply nodded. "I really regret how mean I was to him and I want to fix it. I feel terrible and we're friends now. I've never had friends before. What am I supposed to do? How do I interact? Do guys like football? Do I talk about baseball? I like baseball. Wow, look at that ground ball that Machado somehow caught. It's three outs, wow."

She was rambling again, and Honey Lemon found it similar to the way that Hiro rambles when he gets nervous or panicked. These two are more similar than they think.

"You like baseball? What team?" Hiro and Tadashi were Giants fans. Tadashi, before coming to SFIT, always wore a Giants baseball cap. Maybe Karmi and Hiro could talk about baseball-

"The Dodgers. I love them. My favorite player is Manny Machado. Should I get the conversation about that? I could do that. Okay, maybe this isn't so hard," Karmi laughed in relief and put her back against the railing of the stairs of the chem building.

"Actually, maybe you shouldn't," The Dodgers and the Giants? Well, that's one of the reasons why they didn't get along, even if they didn't know the team that the other went for.

"I don't know how this friend thing works, Honey Lemon," Karmi slid down the railing and put her face in her hands. "I was so mean to him because I didn't want friends. I don't know how to talk to people, so I chose the easy way out and tried to make him hate me so we wouldn't interact."

That's what is so great about Hiro. Despite how hard Karmi tried to make him hate her, he tried even harder to become her friend. Now, they are. Honey Lemon was proud of him, even if it did cause her to have to talk to the girl herself.

Honey Lemon sat down beside her. "Hiro isn't the kind to hate a person. He would ask us plenty of times what your problem was, and why you hated him. He always made an effort. It's just that now it's paid off."

"But what if he regrets it?" Karmi, if possible, shrank even more into the stairs. "What if he doesn't want to be my friend after all? He could make his sweet revenge and be mean to me back. I'll be alone again. I don't want to be alone anymore."

Honey Lemon felt for the girl. She has a girlfriend and amazing friends. Karmi has never felt that before. Now that she is, she's scared of losing it.

"Hiro may be a little shit, but he's not cruel. That would be downright cruel. He isn't like that, and he obviously wanted to be your friend for a reason. He wouldn't have put in as much effort as he did to do a one eighty on you."

Karmi lifted her head and smiled at the older girl. "Thank you."

Honey Lemon stood up and offered her a hand. "Anytime." She pulled Karmi up from the floor. "So, where are you heading to now?"

"Home. I don't have class today, and I really only came so that I could find you." Karmi smiles at Honey Lemon. "Really though, thank you."

Honey Lemon smiled back, and watched as the other girl left.

"What was that about?" Honey Lemon looked to her left and saw Gogo standing next to her.

"Ten bucks says that Hiro and Karmi get together while working on the project." Honey Lemon smiled affectionately as she watched Karmi walk away.

Gogo laughed. "Five that it'll happen after the project."

"You're on."

A/N - I love baseball I am sorry


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