Satan ≠ Santa

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Hiro laughed as Karmi frowned. "It's not very nice to make fun of people, ya know?"

He wiped his eyes, pretending that he had tears. "I can't help it that it's absolutely hilarious that you spilled vinegar all over someone in your old biology class."

Aunt Cass clapped happily. "The clock turned midnight at least fifteen minutes ago but we decided to let you two keep talking. It's time for gifts is what I'm trying to get at here."

Honey Lemon stood up immediately and raced to the bottom of the Christmas tree where the gifts were stacked. She handed them all out to her friends, specific wrapping paper for every individual.

"Kitties," Hiro said as he inspected his wrapping paper. "Respect."

Karmi looked away awkwardly as Honey Lemon gave her her gift. She said thank you very quietly and pulled the tissue paper with little lab flasks out of the bag.

"By the way," Wasabi butted in. "That gift is from all of us, Karmi."

She gave him a strange look as she continued to take out the paper. Before she could even look in the bag, the song that was playing changed.

I just want you for my own

Everyone stood up and whooped. Honey Lemon and GoGo paired up and began to dance to the song. Hiro stood up and held his hand out to Karmi. "May I have this dance?" He joked.

"You may," she laughed and took his hand. That one time Tadashi showed him how to dance in preparation for that one event they were going to finally paid off as he pulled her up from her sitting position and twisted her close.

"You a smooth dancer, Hamada?" Karmi asked as her forehead touched Hiro's.

"Oh," he twisted her out of his arms at an arm's length away. He pulled her back in and dipped her. "I am."

He was vaguely aware of how everyone minus Honey Lemon and GoGo were watching as the two danced. Okay, fine. He was going to give everyone a show as he danced.

As he stood up straight and brought the girl up with him. He turned again, and put a hand to her waist and the other on her shoulder. She mimicked his actions.

"You are a better dancer than I expected," Karmi praised.

"Wait," he gasped. "Are you telling me that you're Karmi is actually impressed with something that I did? Someone call a priest. We need an exorcist because she's been possessed by a demon."

She hit his shoulder and backed away from there dancing position. Hiro acted like he didn't mind the absence of her body against his. "Very funny."

Hiro sat back down at his spot on the floor. Karmi sat down next to him. Okay, so they weren't really that far apart now.

"Have you seen your gift?" Fred looked at her excitedly. "Have you? Open it. Open it right now. Okay, I'll open it for you."

Karmi snatched it as Fred reached for her bag. She pretend hissed and peered at what was inside. Her dark cheeks flushed pink as she attempted to bury her face into the bag.

"What is it?" Hiro asked after seeing the expression on her face.

She very slowly pulled something out. He knew what it was as soon as he saw the first red berry.

Aunt Cass and the rest of the Nerd Gang gave Karmi a mistletoe.

"I know just where to put it," GoGo stood up and took the green plant out of Karmi's hands.

She took it out of the girl's hands and gave it to Honey Lemon, the tallest one there who could easily put the mistletoe on the ceiling. Aunt Cass tossed her scotch tape. Honey put the tape on the plant.

The mistletoe was hung over Hiro and Karmi's heads.

A/N - chapter 20 will be the final ;)

Ahh I'm excited! Are y'all good?? Still alive?? I lag on this book so much I'm sorry 💀 but here's some fluff

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