I'm Calling The Police

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"Three more mugs coming your way," Aunt Cass called from the coffee machine.

"On it," Karmi grabbed the mugs from Cass. Her arms were full at this point. Many students from SFIT decided to come this lovely evening. The partner project was due soon, and many needed a place to work.

Fortunately, Hiro and Karmi had the luxury of going upstairs and working without anyone around. But, Hiro was still scared to be alone with her for fear of making her cry again. He felt bad, yeah, but he's not even sure if it was what he said that made her cry.

Sure, they had become friends. It took Karmi getting practically stabbed for it to happen but nevertheless, it happened. Hiro doesn't want to make his friends cry, though. It's being a jerk to make somebody cry.

Hiro was sitting in the booth across from Baymax, doing research on the project and what they could do to prevent a building from collapsing. Hiro's fourteen year old mind was ready to collapse.

Karmi literally collapsed.

A customer had asked her to butter their toast, because they can't do it themselves apparently. "I'll bring it back right now," Karmi grabbed the toast from the table and walked to the kitchen to find a butter knife.

"Damn it," Karmi whispered under her breath as she searched, but only found regular knives. Oh well, it was what was going to have to do because the butter knives had disappeared.

As she grabbed a knife and sliced a piece of butter, she started spreading it over the toast. What she didn't see was that Hiro was walking into the kitchen at that moment. Why did he choose that moment?

"Butter knives are in the bathroom sink-" but Hiro never finished what he was going to say. He had scared Karmi, and she had ended up missing the toast.

She jumped when Hiro entered the room, and instead of continuing to butter the toast, she had accidentally cut through her orange turtleneck and sliced a small cut on her skin.

Due to her previous injuries, this meant that she had reopened a wound. She started bleeding, and immediately gave a little cry.

Now, Hiro, who had not seen that his actions had caused her to cut herself, thought she was just scared and that's why she had started to cry a little. He walked closer to her to reassure her, and then saw the bleeding.

Without speaking, he ran out the kitchen and grabbed Baymax, still in the booth where Hiro had left him. He dragged the confused robot to the kitchen, where Karmi was leaning against a counter and clutching her arm.

"It appears that the cuts have reopened." Baymax scanned the fragile girl. He sprayed rubbing alcohol on her arm, cleaning the cut for the second time this past week. Karmi gasped in pain.

"You're fine, you're okay," Hiro gently grabbed her hand to reassure her. She's okay. She's in the best hands. Baymax can treat her. The only downfall in that this whole thing is causing her pain

"Oh shit." All three in the kitchen turned their heads to see Aunt Cass in the doorway, taking in the scene, which probably looked ultra ridiculous to anyone who walked in. "Okay, I'm going to let you off your shift now." With that, Aunt Cass walked out the kitchen.

Hiro looked at Karmi, expecting her to be at least a little relieved. Except, when he turned to face her, she had unshed tears in her eyes. She was looking straight at him. Hiro didn't know it hurt that bad to clean a wound.

"I gotta go. Thank you." Karmi stood up after Baymax applied new bandages to her arm, and left through the door in a hurry.

A/N - ahhh im stressing out i have competition for cheer tomorrow and am having ISSUES read my rant book for more ill update that soon

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