Now Featuring My Embarassed Friends

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AC: You guys aren't going to believe what happened today

Cass was way too excited when she texted the group chat containing Wasabi, Go Go, Honey Lemon, and Fred. They purposely left out Hiro because of the subject of the chat.


F: Wht happened ? Tell us

W: I'll believe it all. Just tell me now.

GG: lol just say it

It was weird to Hiro when he heard his aunt squealing from downstairs. Whatever. He continued to brush his teeth as he got ready to go to sleep.

AC: Hiro and Karmi hugged for basically all of today

She patiently awaited for them to respond again. Maybe another five seconds. It really doesn't take long for them to reply to anything that had to do with the pair.

HL: 😍😍

F: O wow

W: Our little boy is growing up so quickly

GG: im pressing f for respect for my man hiro

"Is Aunt Cass okay?" Baymax asked his patient.

"She's just laughing like she's on laughing gas right now," Hiro shrugged as he put his toothpaste and brush away. "Probably something on the TV."

AC: It's so obvious that he likes her but I don't want to ask him. That's embarrassing

HL: That's why you gotta let them figure of their feelings first 🤷

F: ^ They are only 14

W: Yeah. Kids these days don't really confess feelings for each other like they used to

GG: that's why we set them up together i stg

Hiro physically jumped when he heard Aunt Cass whooping. "Are you good down there?" He yelled in the house.

"I'm amazing!" She responded.

AC: Okay, gotta make sure that we're on the same page.

HL: You mean we're actually gonna get them together ?? 😍😍 Yes

F: We're doing this ? Like doing doing this ?

W: I believe that we are. Please tell me that we are.

GG: cass is literally the smartest one here yes we are gonna pair up hiro and karmi

"Hey, Hiro?" Aunt Cass shouted.

"Yes?" He responded by shouting back. The neighbors must love them for yelling back and forth at each other at eleven at night. Hiro didn't have class tomorrow until two. He could stay up.

"Wanna have Christmas as our house this year and invite everyone over?" She asked.

"Yeah, that's fine," Hiro shrugged. He didn't really mind it. Yeah, he liked it. Fine. He has episodes of Flash to watch. He's not really paying much attention to his aunt.


"Perfect," Aunt Cass made the perfect symbol with her hands even though her nephew can't see it. "K, you're good now."

AC: I think that I have an idea

HL: Well?? Spill ☕

F: Yes! We wanna be in on it

W: I'm fine, as long as I'm not forced to go into smelly places

HL: I already apologized for that 🤦 Besides, my project was in danger so it was worth it

W: I mean ig

GG: okay guys shh i wanna hear the plan

Aunt Cass explained it in the group chat, in great detail, her plan. It all tied together in the end, and everyone was all for it. There was no way that it wasn't going to work.

There's no way.

A/N - cheer is actually killing me lol idk if I'll update in February again cause we got nationals. If we're national champions if we win then I'll fr finish this whole story but we'll see what happens. Knock on wood!

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