Chapter 8

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Just Say You Won't Let Go

Fyi p.o.v. means point of view. For future reference.

Friday came, and the music class turned into a talent show of sorts. Parents were there and they had to move the class to the auditorium. Her mom and dad even took time off work to be there to support her. She was so nervous.
"Don't be so nervous Scarlett. Your parents hear you sing all the time." Michael said to her as she was pacing backstage. But they weren't who she was nervous for. "I'm not nervous, I'm just... I'm... I'm just not nervous. Ok?" She stumbled with her words. "We are singing the song you wrote, you should be proud! It's beautiful! And with your beautiful voice behind it, you will be the talk of the town! You know, since the whole town seems to have shown up." He said, then realizing soon after that she had every reason to be nervous. But calming her was what he needed to do. He knew she would do better if she was calm. He gently clasped his fingers around hers, and she grabbed them, and held on back. Tightly. In that moment, she needed him. Something about him did calm her. She knew that, and it scared her to death. He started lightly stroking the back of her hand with his other hand. She closed her eyes, and could feel her heart beat slowly go down. Breathing in and out slowly, she decided she was ready.

"Next up we have Scarlett and Michael doing a song they wrote together. She will be singing and he will be playing the guitar. Let's hear it for them!"  Every one started clapping and you could hear the guys chanting in the back for Michael and Scarlett. "Michael! Michael! Michael! Scarlett! Scarlett! Scarlett!" The girls in the back yelled for Scarlett so loud that the teacher threatened to escorts them all out. Then it was quiet and all eyes were on Scarlett. As she walked up to the microphone, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Michael stood beside her, guitar strapped to the front of him. She began to get nervous all over again, when Michael whispered into her ear. "You'll be amazing. Just be you. Beautiful." She took a breath in, and out.

The lights went down and the spot light was on them. In her mind she imagined herself on a stage, surrounded by thousands of people cheering her on. Some people say to imagine the crowd doing odd things like being naked or in their underwear, she didn't want to imagine these people in their undies. Nope, not something she wanted to go to therapy for. Nope. Not having it. So as the lights go down, she imagined herself dressed in something Gucci with boots to her thighs. Something sparkly, and Michael dressed in his best blue suit. He already had his Paul Reed Smith guitar, so that much was true. The words would flow from her lips like silk and everyone would be in awe. So, she was ready to sing. She motioned for Michael to start his part, he'd strum a few bars then it was her turn. Soft melodic sounds flowed from her, better than she imagined or thought would.

"Thunder surrounds me,
I'm standing in the rain,
I close my eyes and see your face,
Thoughts of you dulls all my pain,
Trapped alone without you,
Strength drained without you here,
Lost screaming your name,
Wishing you were really there,
My face drenched with tears,
Surrounded by the storm I reach for you,
Through the pain, through the fears,
I need your love to pull me through,
I fall to my knees,
With this storm surrounding me,
I gave all I had, the soul in me,
You left me with this rain to drown me,
Love so right,
Angel of the night,
Demon in my dreams,
Ignoring all my screams,
Gone so far away,
So much left to say,
Left here on my own,
I'll always love you so"

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