Chapter 22

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The Date

"Hey! Scarlett! Wait up!"
Scarlett turned to see Brian, running towards her, as she had walked off in a huff.

"I'm sorry about that, Brian. That's my best friend, and her boyfriend, who's also  my ex boyfriend's best friend. Apparently my ex is staying here too. Somewhere and..."
"Whoa whoa whoa. I don't need a life story, you don't have to explain anything to me. I get it. I have had exes too. Don't worry about it."

He put his hand on her shoulder, as she had begun to look down, to the sand.

"I had a really great time today, and I was wondering..."
Right then, she looked up into Brian's eyes as he spoke.

"... if you'd like to go to dinner with me Tonight? I mean, if you're not busy. Of course."

"Brian, I'd love to!" She was very excited but played it cool, not letting him see the joy, and the little girl inside her, jumping up and down and clapping repetitively.

"So, I'll... uh... pick you up at 6? Dinner starts at 7 and we can't miss the dancing."
"Sure! I'm in room 717. I'll be ready at 545. See you then."

Before he walked away, he kissed her cheek. She blushed and he continued in his direction.

After a few seconds, Crystal ran up to her. She looked so happy, and she was clapping.

"So? What happened! What did he say! I saw a kiss! Oh my goodness! I'm freaking out for you!"

"We are going to dinner tonight. He's picking me up at 545."
"Why not just 6?"
"Cause I said I'd be ready by 545."
"Ooo... a woman in charge. I like it."
She said as she playfully slapped her shoulder.

"Oh, stop it Crys!"

They both laughed, and Crystal told Liam she had to go, so she could help Scarlett get ready for her date. Liam understood, and after she left, he took off on his surf board, so he could get in a few waves before it got too dark.

Crystal had helped her pick out the perfect dress, and shoes. It was a purple silk sun dress, with black heeled boots that came up to her knees. Courtesy of Crystal. Crystal was always the one playing dress up with her. Crystal had style.

She styled her hair, half up, half down, and lots of bouncing curls. She wasn't really into lipstick, so she went with caramel lip gloss, and light purple eye shadow.

She was so happy, she couldn't get the smile off of her face. Before they knew it, her door buzzed. Her date was here and she was so excited, she had to tell her self to breathe.

Crystal opened the door, to find Brian, standing in the doorway, with a dozen Lilly's. Not her favorite, but he didn't know that.

"Those are beautiful, Brian! Thank you."

He held out his hand, and asked...
"Are you ready, Beautiful?"
"Yes, I am."
She grabbed his hand, and they were off for their dinner date. She kissed Crystal on the cheek, and Crystal whispered into her ear
"Good luck, and have fun!"

Scarlett smiled, and left for the night. Eager to see where this would lead.

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