Chapter 25

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Too Late To Apologize

Scarlett grabbed something else to wear, quickly. She was hoping it would throw off Michael, so he would think she was over him.
"Well, this night was fun!"
Brian said to her, as he held her hand.
"On the bright side, I can't really feel my face right now... so what's the worst he could do?"
Scarlett's eyes became large. Thinking of all the things that Michael could still do, she knew him too well.
"You're right."
So she just agreed with him.

Scarlett opened the door to her room, and with Brian in tow, still holding hands, they walked into the living room. Crystal, Liam and Michael were all sitting on the couch, and Michael... the look on his face was a face of hurt. He was in pain. Did he not think she would move on? Even in Hawaii?
"Scarlett, I wanted... I..."
Michael came up to Scarlett, still looking to the blueish colored carpet on the floor, and seemed speechless. Was he about to apologize?
Brian came up next to them, and let go of Scarlett's hand, holding it out for Michael to shake.
"Its all good dude. No harm done."
"Ya, except your face."
Michael and Brian chuckled.
But Scarlett didn't. She didn't like that Michael hurt him, or that he was here or any of it.
"What do I have to do to get you away from me!"
She turned around, and went to her room. Slamming the door behind her as she went.

"Do you mind?"
Michael asked Brian politely, as he gestured to the room Scarlett just entered.
"Uh, ya... go ahead I guess."

"Go away Michael!"
"I'm coming in. Ok?"
He said as he turned the handle.
As he entered the room, he could see how she was upset. She was crying, he had hurt her again and that wasn't what he wanted. Why couldn't he just be nice! He didn't understand what was going on! Why did he have to act like this whenever she was around. Why did he keep hurting her, why couldn't he just keep his emotions under control.

"Scar... I am sorry. I'm going to leave you alone as much as I can. I promise I will try harder. I L..."
He almost said love you, but stopped himself. He lost the right to say that to her, the minute he broke up with her and saying it now would just make things worse, and harder for her.

"I didn't know you'd be here when I came to Hawaii. I mean, I knew you were going to come, but I mean, what are the chances that we'd be here, at the same time, on the same island in hotels next to each other? I mean come on! I didn't plan this. If I did, I wouldn't have done so, the same time you did. The last thing I want to do is make things harder and worse for you. I'm sorry."

"I accept your apology Michael, but I think you should leave."

Michael wasn't sure what to say, so he just turned around.
"I truly am sorry."
And left.

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