Chapter 17

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A Thousand Years

The next few weeks flew by like they were nothing. She went to school, but she no longer asked about Michael's homework, and when asked about Michael, she would politely decline to answer.

She ignored them.

She knew that if she had a conversation about him, she would break. And she promised Crystal, and herself, that she would pull herself together. She wouldn't fall apart like that for him. He didn't deserve it.
Not her tears,
and certainly not her sanity.

Scarlett still spoke with Michael, but she stopped calling him. He was the one doing all the contacting so she didn't have to wait for him to call her back. He would just call when he had time. Which was a few times a week. But she didn't have much interest in what he was off doing. She still had alot of anger in her about all of this. About them. About their future. She would listen to what he said, but she didn't care as much as she used to. She didn't know what to do. What to say anymore. So, she would talk about college. Maybe he would think about it too and change his mind.


Graduation was fast approaching and she was excited. Especially since she got a letter from Juilliard. Along with Crystal. They were both going together. That kind of luck almost never happened. Juilliard for college after a summer in Hawaii... her year was turning out to be pretty good.

Kids her age don't do long distance relationships, and the ones that do, don't last. Kids are too young to be this serious about something like this. She knew that. Maybe that's what Michael was trying to show her, did he know too? Was he trying to push her away?

It's been days since he called. But he was supposed to be coming up this weekend to see her, and she wasn't going to give up easily. She would show him what he was missing. She wanted to prove the statistics wrong. They could do it. They would do it. They'd beat the odds. They were meant to be together and she knew that. She just needed to show him so he could see it too.

The rest of the week drug on slowly, and when Friday came, she had enough plans to keep them busy til Sunday night. She would show him how much she loved him. This would work, and she knew it.

Sitting on the couch in her living room, she placed her hands down on her dress, and flattened out the wrinkles, slowly. One by one. Until the were gone. Then she moved her hair, from one shoulder to the other. Lacing her fingers in between layers, brushing down with each stroke.
Realizing after a while, that her vision was beginning to get blurry, and noticing the water falling on her dress as she blinked.

He's not coming

She thought to herself.

The tears began to flow harder. Wondering why he didn't atleast call

Was he alright?
Was there an accident?

When suddenly her phone rang, that all too familiar ringtone.
"A thousand years" by Cristina Perri.

Not wasting any time, she ran to her phone answering it on the last sound before it ended.

"Where are you, are you ok? I've been waiting for you!"

She seemed to calm down once she heard his voice.

"I can't see you this weekend."

"Why? Is everything ok?"

"No. I mean ya, it's great! But I'm leaving. Like for a long time. I couldn't face you to tell you what I need to tell you."

"Well, what is it..."
Suddenly her calmness was gone and the tears came back in sync with each other. Feeling like they would never stop. She began only hearing bits and pieces of what he was saying.

"... can't be with you anymore... too much going on... you have alot... I have nothing... love... love... blah blah blah..."

Til she heard nothing.

Til she felt nothing.

He just called her, to break up with her.

She had planned this entire weekend, to win him over, and it was all a waste of time. So, before he could give her anymore excuses, she hung up the phone. And cried.


I couldn't face her. I love her, but I can't look into her eyes, and tell her that I can't be with her. I know she is crying her eyes out right now over her freshly broken heart, but I needed to do this. I will never be anything but bad for her. No matter how much I wish otherwise. I made it all the way to her street. I made it to her house. I parked my car, just out of sight from her living room window where I knew she was, because I could see her from where I parked, and I just couldn't. I'm a coward. I know it. But she deserves more than I can give her and I'd just hold her back from all the amazing things life has to give her, and I can't be that for her. I can't do that to her. A musicians life isn't one for her. Not mine, not this band. 

So I let her go.


She cried and cried, for hours, and days. She went to school Monday like a zombie. Went to class, came home. Did her work, and continued to concentrate on school to keep her mind numb, so her heart didn't skip a beat everytime her phone rang.

Because everytime it rang, she'd think it was him.

Calling to change his mind

Calling to say he loves her and he made a mistake.

But it wasn't, and she knew.

From the bottom of her broken heart, she knew.

And it killed her.


Sorry this chapter is so much shorter, I have alot going on at home. But I'll finish this story. There is still so much to tell. Thanks for reading! Vote and comment


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