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(Writing this for my best friend, Jess. Only hope she likes it. Have fun reading 💕)


I was woken up by the sound of my phone underneath my pillow. I groaned and threw my hand under my pillow to grab it.

I stared at it but the writing was blurry. I blink and see it is Kaira ringing me. I groan again but answer the phone call anyway.

"Jess! Jess! Guess what?" She screams down the phone.

"It is 6 o'clock in the morning and it is Saturday and you have just woke me up. What do you want?" I say a little harsher than intended.

"I have One Direction tickets! Jess you have to come with me, please please please." She begs over and over again.

I lye there listening to her just to see how long she would carry on begging me to go watch a band I don't even like. I shut my eyes and sigh.

"Fine! I'll go." I cut in somehow. Kaira suddenly goes quiet. There is a long pause but I can her massive grin from here.

"Really?" She suddenly sounds normal.

"I said I would, didn't I?" I ask her even though I know she would ignore the question.

"Oh my days! I love you so much." She squeals with happiness.

"You owe me massively, okay? Like a life time supply of Jaffa Cakes." The end of my sentence is drowned out by a yawn.

"How about I let you go back to sleep?" Kaira asks knowing the answer.

"Deal." I say just as I hang up.

I let go of my phone and shut my eyes. Why had I just said I'd go to a One Direction Concert? I don't even like One Direction. I had practically just signed my own death warrant.

(This story is now completed. The sequel to this story is Unexpected Choices, so go add that.
It would also be wonderful if you could read my story The Unresolved Denouement
Thank you for reading xx(

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