Chapter 13

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I wake up at ten a.m. I go down stairs and find a note wrote for me.

At the charity shop around the corner. Pop around if you want X

Her hand writing is beautiful and swirly. I go upstairs and get dressed. I apply some makeup and then go back downstairs to the kitchen. I look in the cupboards to find some breakfast but all my Nan had was porridge and I'm not really a porridge fan. I take out some money from my purse and find the spare key hanging up. I take it and then I leave to go to McDonalds. A crappy breakfast but free wifi.

It takes me a while to find McDonalds in the maddening crowds. I should have known that the city centre would be busy on a Saturday. Why would Ireland be any different from Britain?

I eventually find McDonalds and it is by far too busy far to busy for my liking but I go in anyway. I only buy a muffin but that was filling enough. I find a small table in next to the window where it is cool. I log onto the wifi and find a hundred messages from my brother.
*I'm fine. Don't worry fat head!!* I send to him and the check my twitter. Why did my life resolve around twitter all the time.

I don't have any new notifications on my twitter which isn't that unusual. I pick at my muffin until it is mostly gone.
A banner pops up across the top of my phone screen. I quickly tap it to reveal a message.
*You didn't seem like a person who ate breakfast at McDonalds.* It's a message from Niall which confuses me on the highest level.
*Huh?* I ask simply.
*Muffins are not a healthy breakfast.*
*How do you know what I'm eating?* I start to look around.
*Outside.* I turn my head and I see someone stood there with a hoodie on with a pair of RayBans. The person waves and I wave back.
*Hi.* He sends me.
*Hi.* I reply as I stand up and walk outside towards Niall.

Niall takes off his sunglasses and smiles.
"Your family live in Ireland?" I ask even though I know the answer.
"I thought my accent might have given it away slightly." He winks with a cheesy grin.
"I don't pick up on the obvious." I say truthfully.
"No joke. Anyway, lets go. I'm trying to avoid stalkers." I follow him to I have no idea where but it is extremely crowded with plenty of hiding spots.
The place was big and was filled with too many shops to count. Most of them I had never heard of. My heart starts beating faster as people push pass me. I didn't like situations I couldn't get out of and I was pretty much stuck in an unknown place with someone who was practically a stranger. I swallowed and bit down on my lower lip as I tried to squeeze past people. I felt my hand start shaking with my phone. I hold my phone tighter as we get closer to the centre of the shopping centre. This seems to be the busiest place and I lose sight of Niall. I understood why he wore hoodies. I bite my lip harder and half walk half jog to wall of the shopping centre.
I keep walking until I find a quieter place and then I stop walking to try and catch my breathe. I sigh and look at the maddening crowd. I couldn't enter that again.
I start walking away from it when something grabs me. I flinch and jump away. I turn around to see who it was.
"Where did you go?" Its Niall. I relax a little.
"Sorry. I don't like crowds." I say not wanting to elaborate.
"Doors are this way." He says and leads me out into the cool breeze. I relax even more now that I'm away from that many people.

"So how long are in Ireland for?" Niall asks, obviously just trying to make casual conversation.
"I don't know. I got into an argument with my mum. Things went bad fast." I say truthfully.
"What are you doing tonight?"
"Probably watching something with my Nan."
"Let me take you out?"
"Excuse me?" I half spit out in shocks.
"Let me take you out?" He repeats.
"Nando's at seven. I'll pick you up."
"What do you where to Nando's with an international famous person?" I ask probably over thinking things.
"Normal clothes like if it wasn't an international famous person." Niall grins. I bite the skin on my lips.
"Okay." What was I thinking? He seems shocked at my answer which is cute. I tell him where my Nan lives and he seems to know where that is luckily.

We say bye and then I realise I have no idea which way to go. I decide to walk up. Pretty sure there was a McDonald's sign up there.

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