Chapter 11

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I have to stop talking to Niall when it reaches three a.m. I didn't want to but I had to. I was unbelievably tired.

I didn't really dream either. I just slept which I guess was good and I read somewhere that sleep was really needed before an exam. I also read exercise was really useful for an exam and there was no way I would do exercise.

I woke up at ten a.m without my mum or an alarm which was unusual. I really wanted to watch something on Netflix but it was my turn to do chores today. I'm pretty sure the house doesn't need hoovering everyday.

I get dressed into jeans and a random top and slowly walk downstairs to quiet. My mum was out and apparently so was my brother.

I walk to the cupboard and grab the vacuum cleaner. I plug it in and switch the radio on full blast. I start to Hoover the rooms up and sing full blast to all the songs. I dance around whilst cleaning and I do a crap job at it but I still did it. I put the vacuum back and then go to the fridge. There's a note on there telling me what to do from my mum.

Unload the dishwasher

Put the washing on

Peel potatoes

I can't peel potatoes! I always cut myself. I sigh but find the potatoes anyway. I take the peeler out of the draw and start peeling the potatoes. I get through the bag without cutting myself. One more potato. This was looking hopeful. I start carefully peeling the potato and I scrape my nail against the peeler. It stings like a bitch.

I look down and see half of my nail hanging off. I either leave it or pull it off. It would hurt either way.

I gently rip the nail off and run my finger under the tap. It hurt more than I expected. I run for a plaster and wrap it around my nail.

I wait a few minutes before I do the other two chores, then I go get my revision and my phone. I bring them back downstairs and into the living room. I switch the t.v on as I sit down to revise. I left the cartoons on because it was only background noise as I revised English literature. Three exams in my last week of college.

I write a load bullshit, just rambling on about the use punctuation. I somehow make a comma create a large paragraph. God help me. I wish I could revise for art but that wasn't an exam you could really revise for. Unless you researched themes but I already had an idea, sort of.

I do a little more revision and then I just watch t.v. They really do put crap on nowadays. I change channel onto a programme I have never heard of. It was boring but so was everything else on t.v. Everything was boring on Sundays. I go to the kitchen to find food. I really need to learn the difference between being bored and being hungry.

After finding nothing I go to last resort. Bread and butter.

I go to the fridge and open it to find an empty tub of butter. I sigh and just go upstairs. I'll take a shower to pass the time.

I grab my towel, get undressed and then step into a hot shower. I relax even through my exams are so close. I'm not that worried about art but I would fail English on the highest level. I really should have stayed in class during English. And I didn't do my detention.

I wash my hair, body and I shave very quickly before I step out of the shower into the cold. I wrap my towel around me for the walk to my room. I practically run to my room because its that cold.

I get dried and then get dressed in clean PJ's even though its only half eleven. I towel dry my hair and then go back downstairs. I sit down and scroll through Facebook on my phone. I wish England was in the same time zone and Los Angeles. That would make life easier when I talked to Niall.

I hear the front door open and then my brother collapses in the arm chair opposite of me.

"Nice time wherever you were?" I ask him.

"Not really." He sighs and rubs his head.

"Why? What's happened?" I ask suddenly feeling worried.

"Me and Kizar broke up." Ryan walks off and I really don't know what to say.

I leave him to think things over instead of pestering him. I take my revision upstairs and I stay upstairs just to be out of the way. I really wanted to talk to Niall but I wasn't good at this type of thing. I couldn't be the first person to pop up.

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