Chapter 15

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I was awoken by Nan who was far too excited for her age. I rub my eyes and then stare at her before she smiles at me.

"That friend of yours was handsome." She winks and I roll my eyes.

"Good morning Nan." I say in sarcastic tone.

"I was wondering if you would help out at the shop today?"

"Sure. Just give me a minute to get ready." I say and sit up. My Nan leaves the room.

I quickly run the bathroom to brush my teeth and look somewhat alive before I get dressed in jeans and a baggy top. I have my hair in a simple ponytail. I get my phone and then run downstairs. My Nan is waiting fur me at the door. I follow her through the door and then wait for her to lock up.

I follow her to the charity shop. It is closer than I think and my Nan is healthier than I think. She speed walks to the shop. I actually find it hard to keep up with her.

When we enter the shop, two older women are already there. One was behind the till and the other was hanging clothes up. It smelt dusty in here. I smile at the ladies as my Nan introduces me and from then on it is my job to carry the boxes into the shop and to put the stuff on the shelves. It is boring work but I can do it faster than the other ladies working here.

My phone buzzes in my pocket. I pull it out and smile.

*What are you doing today?* Niall asks me.

*Helping my Nan in the charity shop.* I quickly text back. I put my phone back in my pocket and then finish unpacking the last box.

Just as I thought I had finished, I get informed that there are more boxes in the back of the shop. I couldn't do this for living at all.

I walk to the back of the store when my phone buzzes again.

*Which shop?* Niall asks.

I text him which shop and then pick up a heavy box.

When I finally carry it into the shop, I open it to find china wear and lots of breakables. There could have been some message on the box just to warn me. Luckily enough I hadn't actually broken anything which was different for me.

I found an empty shelf somewhere and I started to neatly place everything on there. I personally thought it looked good but when I left my Nan replaced everything.

I grab another box which is actually quite light. I walk into the main shop area to hear my Nan talking to someone. She was being really chatty to this poor person. I raised an eyebrow and I curiously went to find out who it was but they were just in my blind spot. I assumed it was someone from her tea and cake group that she goes to or went to.

I walk to a spacious part of the room and sit down. I open this box to find DVDs. I roll my eyes as I begin sorting them out into alphabetical order.

"Jessie! Jessica!" My Nan shouts at me. I couldn't tell if it was a good shout or a bad shout.

"Yes Nan?" I call back.

"Look whose here?" So she wanted to introduce me to this person.

"Who is it?" I ask her.

"Me." Niall sits next to me. I stare at him in shock. I guess it's not someone from her little group. I process that Niall is in a charity shop with me.

"What are you doing here? It's really not good for your reputation." I say at first serious and then jokingly.

"I'd ruin it for you." He replies and then walks off.

"I don't want to ruin anything." I whisper to myself just before Niall comes back carrying a box.

We spend all morning unpacking boxes. I really didn't expect Niall to help out but then again, I didn't expect him to be anything like he is. My Nan kindly let us leave after she asked Niall questions about his home life. He didn't look like he cared too much which was good.

When we left the shop, we just walked around the city centre for a while. We made genuine conversation and had fun. I enjoyed spending time with him. I guess he made me happy. Like no one else ever has. I could be me around him and not have a fear of him judging me. But he was as equally weird as me. He was the light in my life. The sun.


We spent all week together. Just getting to know each other. We spent most of our time at the cinema. The amount of times we had re-watched 'Anchor man 2' and 'Frozen' was unbelievable. But we both loved them so much. They were our favourite movies that we shared together. And Niall always payed even though I always offered because I got a really good paying job and I didn't have to work long hours. I personally thought good luck might actually be looking my way.

"So are you going back home to your mum?" Niall asks as we reach the local park.

"I don't know. I turn eighteen in like five days so I don't have to but I don't want to stay with my Nan forever." I say. I hadn't really thought about it. I was living in the moment for once.

We sit down on a bench holding hands. Niall hadn't officially asked me out, it kind of just happened. One small step at a time. It was so relaxed and he wasn't clingy or needy. He knew when I needed space and he respected that. Just like I respected him when he

needed privacy to write music.

"Why don't you move to L.A with me?"

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