Chapter 21

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I go home and get greeted by Niall. He stares at me with a giant grin as I do with him.

"You first." I butt in.

"The albums recorded!" He wraps his arms around me.

"That's amazing!!" I squeal.

"What's your news?"

"I'm buying that building and it's so cheap." I bite my bottom lip and smile.

"Best have a painting dedicated to me in there." Niall's hands find their way to my waist.

"Of course not."

"I love you, you know?" Niall suddenly says. I blink at the sudden words.

"I love you too." I say. It felt weird saying it but so right because I did love him. More than anything.

That night was extremely relaxed. Nobody came over and we didn't need to leave except Niall had to go at five A.M for a single photo shoot. I hated photo shoots but you got to do what you got to do.

I heard Niall leave but I didn't wake up. I felt back a sleep instantly.

A booming thud comes from the door. I ignore it but then the person starts shouting something. It's a British accent but all his words were slurred.

I stand up and walk downstairs. I find the key and open the door to Harry. He pushes his way past me violently. He stands in the living room doing nothing. He was drunk. Extremely drunk.

I walked into the living room. He spun around. His eyes were all blood shot and red.

"Where's Niall?" he asks.

"At that photo shoot thing." I reply.

"Stop lying! Where is he?" Harry screams at me whilst picking up a mug and throwing it across the room. I jumped back.

"For fucks sake." he screams with tears starting to run down his face.

He keeps picking anything he can up and throwing it.

I take a tiny step towards my phone on the counter. Then another another until I finally grab it. I unlock it and try to ring Niall. It goes straight to answer machine. I try again but the annoying computerised lady still answers. So I try Ash. He doesn't answer first. But I persist and then he does.

"Do you know time it is?" Ash yawns.

"Yeah. Can you come round? Harry is drunk." I whisper not wanting Harry to hear.

"Yeah sure."

"What the fuck?" Harry screams.

"I gotta' go." I put the phone down.

Harry storms towards me and pins me against the wall. Tears drip to the floor from his chin.

"Tell me this. Why does bad stuff always happen to good people?" Harry whispers.

"I don't know." I force out.

"Me either." he drops to the floor in a flood of tears.

I crouch down next to him and try to calm him down.

I ending up sitting with him for half an hour until Ash finally gets here.

We're both in floods of tears and it's only 6:30. This was the earliest I have ever cried.

Ash manages to get Harry off me and he kindly calls Liam. Ash calms him down so he is no longer crying by the time Liam gets to Niall's apartment.

Once Harry left, I just sighed and cried more. I don't even know I was crying. I just was. Ash sat next me,

"You okay?"

I nod and then just drop my head onto his lap. I curl up into ball on him. I usually would have done this to a pillow but Ash was the closest thing to a pillow near me.

"I guess not." He whispers as I shut my eyes.

I wake up and find myself still lying on Ashton but Niall is sat on the other sofa. I sit up instantly and my head goes dizzy. I rub my eyes. I can only imagine how puffy they must be. I try to reach for my phone but it's just out of reach so I leave it. In that same moment I remember Harry. How he broke down. Stuff must have really gone on. He pinned me up against the wall. I always though it would have been Niall to do that.

Niall and Ash stare at me. What were they expecting? A dancing monkey. An explanation. I was asleep on Ash, I think that would me make me wonder what was going on. And I had spent so much time with him. Niall thought I was cheating on him. He wanted to break up with me. And I've move half way across the world. And just bought a building. Holy shit I had f*cked things up this time.

"How's Harry?" I ask. That was the first thing I could say. Not 'Sorry' or 'I can explain.' No, 'How's Harry?' this was going fantastic.

"He's fine." Niall says quietly. The atmosphere was so awkward. It was like all four walls were enclosing around me.

"I'm going to go. See you round." Ash leaves.

I gulp. Niall came and sat down next to me. I was waiting for a massive paragraph about how he trusted me and he didn't think I was the cheating type. I waited but only silence came. Was he waiting for me to say something?

I throw my head into my hands. I clearly had no brains.

"You okay?" Niall asks. Oh great.

"I'm fine." I whisper even though that was the complete opposite of how I was. I was on the verge of tears again. Angry tears. Angry at myself.

I sniffles to try and stop myself from crying.

Niall drags me into his arms. This wasn't planned.

"No you're not. Why do you shut everything out?" He mutters.

"I don't know." I reply. I did know. I'm pretty sure Niall Horan didn't need my issues on top of his.

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