Chapter 10

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I take out my revision. My exams are next week. My last week. Then I never have to go back to school. The thought picks up my mood but it soon drops when I actually start writing about two poems. I had no idea what they were about and I had no idea what I was writing about.

When I finished it about forty minutes later and read it. Its a pile of shit. I sit and laugh at it. I know why I failed English in high school. I think it would have been a miracle if I had passed. It would be a miracle if I passed now.

I lye down and shut my eyes. I really wanted to sleep. Just for a couple of hours but my phone rang. And when it finally stopped the person rang down. I grab my phone and look at the name. It's Kaira. I can ignore her for now. I close my eyes again and melt into the mattress. But my phone started ringing.

"Bloody hell." I mutter and answer the phone call.

"What is your problem?" I ask.

"What happened to you last night? You just disappeared." Kaira stammers out.

"I went home."


"Because I don't like party's!" I abruptly say.

"Okay. Fine." She puts the phone down and I just sigh.

Why can't people just let me sleep? I slam my phone down on the bed and then it buzzes. Why? Just why?

I lift my phone up to my face. I slide to open up my phone but it slips out of my hand and hits me on my chins. I tense my jaw and picked my phone up.

I slide the notification open and the little white bird pops up on my screen. This better be important.

Someone has retweeted my tweet. I am angry at my phone right now.

*I know you're sorry and you were drunk so I can't blame you for being truthful because of the alcohol but please don't judge me on what the*

*news says. I'm not a player and I don't talk to every girl I see in hopes of hooking up with someone.* Niall sends in two messages. I don't really know what to reply and so I don't reply. But Niall knows I have read it. It's just very sudden.

*I'm sorry for making you think that you're just a random girl.* He quickly says.

*Don't be sorry Niall. Its just how I think.* I don't want Niall to feel bad. None of this is his fault at all.

*I can't believe I made you feel that way! I am really sorry Jess, honestly!* He says. I feel so guilty. What am I supposed to put?

*Please don't blame yourself Niall. Its just that I was drunk and stuff happened.* I put carefully not wanting the conversation to continue because I can't really remember most of last night.

*What happened!?!?!* I quickly go off direct message.

I go through my tweets and read one from last night. I got told to go kill myself. The memories of last night start to flood back. I can't believe Kain tried to... Well... Get it on with me. Well I can't exactly tell Niall what happened.

I go back onto direct message and look at his message.

*Stuff. Stuff happened. Nothing important.* I say bluntly not wanting this to go anywhere.

*Jess you can trust me.* Those words just made me crumble and melt. I want to trust him. I do but I can't yet at the same time I do.

I replay everything that I can remember and try to put it vaguely. It took three messages to send the whole thing. Twitter should have this silly amount of characters thing. Its really annoying.

Niall doesn't reply straight away. It takes him five minutes before he replies.

*He didn't do anything... Else?* I gulp at his message.

*God no Niall!* I reply straight away.

*Sorry, I had to make sure.*

*Hey it's your last week right?* Niall sends on a second message obviously to change the subject. We talk about my subject. My exams and he tries to help. Its scary how happy Niall makes me just by messaging me. I was getting attached to him and for the first time ever, I wanted to get attached. And it felt good to be falling in love. But I didn't want to because the outcome would be the same. One way or another I would end up getting hurt.

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