Chapter 9

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"Jess!" My mum shouts. I groan and roll over.

"Jessica Carter it is one p.m!" She continues.

I sit up and my head it banging. The throb is too overpowering.

"Jessica!" My mum screeches.

"I'm up Mum!" I shout back and instantly regret it. I lye back down and shut my eyes. I can't even remember most of last night. I can't remember any of it actually. I try to find my phone and start to panic when it isn't under my pillow. Its on the floor. I reach for it not wanting to get out of bed. But I have to. And I'm dressed. Fully dressed. Over dressed for breakfast.

I pick up my phone and check the time. I'm over dressed for dinner. I find twitter still logged into. I'm on my home page.

*Woke up fully dressed. Cant even remember last night.* I tweet and scroll down. My spelling is terrible. I delete the last tweet and look at the photo of me and Kaira. It's really good. I go to the little envelope. I had talked to Niall last night. I want to read what I put but I daren't. I have to.

I scroll through my messages and wince at my harshness. It's true but still harsh. He had read my last message and he had replied.

*If only you knew.* I gulped at his messaged. What was that even supposed to mean? I slide my phone under my pillow and I get dressed. Well changed into pyjamas.

I walked downstairs but everything was so distant. My mind kept replaying Niall's message. What didn't I know? Why do I have to be such a bitch? Why do I feel do guilty?

I reach the sofa and sit down. Some random programme was on t.v that my brother was watching. I didn't pay him or the t.v any attention. I wanted to apologise. Apologise for everything. Apologise for meeting him. Meeting Niall was my biggest mistake.

I look up to my brother who is staring at me. I raise an eyebrow at him but he doesn't look away.

"Stop staring freak." I say to him and look away.

"Kaira's sister had a party. Have a nice time?" He smiles. He knows. I groan and nod.

"I had a wonderful time. How about you?" I smile back sarcastically.

"Well I would have gone to bed but I stayed up until you got back home."

"You stayed up? For me?"

"You think I'm that awful as a brother?"

"Yes." I laugh and stand up to get a drink.

The walk from the sofa to the kitchen seems to take too long. Everything is going slow. I fill my glass up as much as I can and then I down it in hopes of making my headache better. I look in the oven to see that lunch is cooking. Lasagne with extra garlic. Just the thought of it makes me want to throw up.

I pour myself another drink and then stumble back upstairs.

I sit on my bed and stare at my phone before I finally click on it and go onto twitter.

*I am so sorry for last night...* I tweet but meaning it only for one person. Hopefully he would read it but its so late in L.A now. Maybe he is still up. Maybe. Maybe he out partying with some beautiful girl.

I throw my phone into my bed with annoyance. Why do I have to fuck everything up?

(Sorry it's only short and Hi to the new readers ☺)

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