Chapter 37

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"Miss Carter." Mr Layetta shouts me over and I walk over like a dog would.
"Yes Sir."
"My names Kyle. And you're undercharging by about $300. This is $150, it should be $450. The crispness and blending of the paint is amazing.."
"Thank you but I'd say $450 is by far to expensive. I'm just an average painter that's trying to make something of what I enjoy doing." I smile politely into the hazel and green eyes.
"I'll buy it for $400 and no less." Kyle annoyingly smiles at me.
"300." I grind my teeth.
"300 or nothing." I finish the conversation.
Kayla hands over $300 dollars and an extra 50.
"For arguing with me."
"So you still win." I roll my eyes.
"I dare say in the long run, you would win darling."
I unhook the painting and prepare it for the harsh winds outside.
I take it back out to Mr Layetta in a large cardboard box.
"Thank you Miss Carter. I'll be seeing you shortly." I smiles and walks out.
I hand over $150 to Kaytlynne. She looks at it shocked for a minute but then stuffs it into her pocket.
"You could have dropped in "by the way I'm taken" somewhere in the conversation." Kaytlynne grins madly.
"Shush you." I grin back at her.
We say goodbye to each other and I stroll back to the apartment. My phone goes off as I unlock the door. It's Niall. I ignore it. I said we were over. He's got to face that issue now.
I step in and Ash is stood there. I drop everything I own and jump onto him. Tears flood my eyes but I couldn't give a shit.
He holds me tightly. My legs are wrapped around him and my arms cling around him like he's my only source of life. Which is probably true.
"You okay kid?" Ash laughs at me.
"Yeah. I'm good." I finally let go of him and take a step away. My phone starts to ring. I pick it up. It's Harry.
I answer it unwillingly. Ash walks so that he can hear the conversation.
"Jess? Hi, I know this weird as fuck but Niall is pissed and coming home. He isn't enjoying the single life. Just give him a chance to explain."
"I told him what would happen. He got high again. Kissed another girl so I don't even want to know what happened after that and I broke up with him. I let him explain last time and look how it's worked out again."
"I know I know. But he needs you. He'll be stupid to let you walk away but right now he's fighting to get you back." Harry sighs.
"Okay." I hang up and feel the entire room spinning around me.
What fuck am I supposed to do?

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