Two In a Bed

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You find yourself drifting off in your best friends arms.

When you wake up the light is filtering through the curtains, strong and bright. Bodies are shifting around the room, waking up and stretching out any kinks. BamBam yawns loudly earning a smack from Jinyoung. JB looks up groggily and you smile at the leaders confusion when he sees he's in a different room. Mark still stays asleep, face down on the sofa. When Youngjae wakes, he sits up and looks around the room. His eyes come to rest of you and Yugyeom and you feel your face flush as he grins widely.

"Guys! Guys! Look at Yugyeom!" Embarrassment heats your face and you try to pull away but find it a futile effort when Yugyeom holds onto you lighter than ever, mumbling into your hair. The others in the room turn to face us and grin wickedly, some laughing. They come over and hit Yugyeom on the back while he gives them the finger and you can't help but laughing. But something's missing.

"Jackson! Come and see this! Yugyeom's finally done something about his crush on his best friend!" Jinyoung calls out and at Jackson's name, you look around the room. 

"Where the hell is he?" JB wonders and as he says this the bathroom door swings open and everyone turns. Jackson wanders out, shaking his wet hair, droplets dripping down his bare chest and onto the joggers he was wearing last night. His eyes find yours and you can't look away. You want to say something but not knowing what. They rest on yours for a heartbeat before moving to Yugyeom's arm, still wrapped around your waist. The weight of his gaze and your friend's arm hits you and suddenly you can't breathe. When you untangle yourself from Yugyeom you look back to see him smiling lazily. At the expression on his face, a grin tugs at your lips but you feel Jackson's eyes boring into your back, and you turn. Immediately you wish you hadn't. The anger on his face is frightening but as soon as it came it's gone and an arrogant smile takes it's place. Without word he walks from the room, the door slamming behind him.

"What's stuck up his ass?" Yugyeom jokes and the others laugh and you can't help the irritation that flies through you. You know exactly what's wrong with Jackson and you want to do something about it. A commotion distracts you and you turn to see Youngjae slapping Mark  awake.

The weight of the bed shifts and Yugyeom sits up. You turn to face him and copy his pose, leaning back against the headboard. You feel defeated. 

"How did you sleep?" Yugyeom asks and you smile at his kindness and nod.

"Good thank you." Apart from nearly having an orgasm thanks to a certain jerk but you don't say this.

"Would you like some breakfast? And then maybe we can go into the city. I haven't been back for years." He suggests, looking so hopeful and you again nod, finding that your words are stuck in your throat.

The other guys move around the room, gathering clothes and move in and out, changing and brushing their teeth. BamBam comes over and pulls Yugyeom from his position.

"Come on dude! Get out of bed with the pretty girl and lets get going." 

You blush for the thousandth time this morning and can't help but feel slightly embarrassed of being caught in bed with Yugyeom. He doesn't appear bothered though, looking back at you and winking. At that you throw a pillow at him and climb off the bed. 

Gathering your things, you look towards the bathroom and see that it's occupied. Jinyoung catches you looking.

"You can use the one in my room if you want."

Thanking him, you follow him out of the door and into the corridor. You both walk in silence and pass a couple of doors when Jinyoung stops and whips out his key card. You laugh at how dramatically he swipes it and opens his door, ushering you in. 

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