Waking Up

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When you wake up, Jackson is gone.

No trace of him remains in the room. It might have been a dream if it weren't for the masculine scent on the pillow beside you.

He'd held you. Tenderly and carefully.

You pull the duvet above your head to muffle your girlish giggle.

Two knocks at the door pull you out of your haze and you swing your legs over the bed. As you walk past the table, a piece of paper with your written name on it in a cursive scrawl stands out among the detritus.

Another knock on the door, followed by a grumble.

For now, you ignore the note from Jackson and head to the door. Before opening it, you look down at yourself to make sure you are decent and straighten your pyjama shorts before opening the latch.

"About time. We were-... Are you okay?" Yugyeom's words stop you and you look at him in confusion.

"What do you means, of course I'm okay." You reply while furrowing your eyebrows.

"You sure? You look all flushed and your lips..." His sentence trails off and his eyes focus on your lips. You clear your throat and Yugyeom comes back to earth. "Anyway, we're leaving in an hour."

He then proceeds to push past you into the room heading to the table to make a coffee.

The note.

Whatever Jackson wrote, Yugyeom can't read it.

You practically lunge to stop him in his tracks, earning you another suspicious look. Your eyes meet and he softens. He then takes you by surprise by cupping your chin, your eyes widening as he smiles.

"Are you sure you're ok? You seem a bit... jumpy." He says and you can't help the way your stomach falls into a thousand butterflies.

"I'm ok, Gyeom." You reply as Jackson's face crosses your mind. It floats there, just out of your reach. So you turn away from your best friend, occupying yourself with tidying the coffee cups on the tray.

You don't look at Yugyeom as he excuses himself from the room, confusion laced in his words. The moment the door shuts, you sigh, before busying yourself with packing your bag.

You are a phoney. How are you supposed to look Yugyeom, your bet friend (but could be more?) in the eyes, knowing that he would be crushed? But it's not just your relationship with Gyeom that you're worried about but his bond with Jackson.

Stuffing the last few belongings you own into your duffel bag, you head towards the door, taking a deep breath before opening it.

The hallway is empty and you knock on the door next to yours.

No reply.

They must be in the lobby.

Heading to the elevator, pressing the button and making your way down to meet the others, you try formalise an explanation. A pattern of words that may begin to explain your feelings to Yugyeom. 

The doors ping open. Ahead of you stand the group and as you approach them, they look up and smile. You can't help but smile back, focusing on Yugyeom's warm brown eyes and messy hair falling over his forehead. He cuts through the huddle and takes the bag from your desperate grip. 

"Have you got everything? We've got a long drive back to Seoul," Gyeom says and you nod. 

The others have started walking through the doors to the waiting car and you and Yugyeom do the same.

"Can I be honest with you?" You ask timidly.

"Always." he replies and you can't stop the butterflies that stir at his smile.

You take a breath.

"I'm nervous. About leaving town and my dad. About being burden to you. I don't want you to regret this...," you tail off and pull your eyes away from his.

For the second time that morning, Yugyeom takes your chin, forcing you to look up at him. 

"Be quiet, you idiot. It's a new beginning so of course you're nervous. But I'm here with you, I promise." With his words, he takes your hand and leads you out of the hotel.

Yugyeom doesn't let go of your hand even when you get into the van. Even when you're chatting to the other members, distracting yourself from the passing town border. His unwavering support surrounds you and for just a moment, you forget about your worries about Jackson. Your head falls onto your best friend's shoulder and you fall asleep to the sound of laughter but most of all, contentment sits in your body.


"Seoul is a big place."

Here you are stating the obvious while the others in the car play on their phones. When you look back from the window, Yugyeom is smiling at you and doesn't look away when your eyes meet his.

Giving him a nudge, you say, "what are you smiling about?"

He shakes his head and looks away, acting coy.

You are about to ask again when the seats in front of you start cheering. Ahead of you sits the city skyline and your breath is stolen from you.

Over the next half an hour, the city rolls past your window as the sun just starts to set in the dusk light. 

The car slows down as you approach a large building and you assume that this is where one of the members lives. Yugyeom had explained that many of his friends had moved out of the dorm, to be with family and keep cats along with various other reasons.

When the car stops, Yugyeom pulls his hood up and opens the door. Before stepping out, he looks back at you. 

"I'll show you around the dorm and then the group and I have to go to the office. Will you be ok?" He is nervous as he speaks. You can tell by the slight vibration in his voice.

Butterflies stir in your stomach, a mixture of nerves and excitement, yet you nod.

A smile graces Yugyeom's face and he steps out of the car with you following. Stood on the curb with Yugyeom, you are assaulted by a cacophony of city sounds.

The back of the van opens and you go to grab your bags but Yugyeom stops you. 

"I've got it," he says and you stop, watching him.

He grew up so fast.

The thought comes to you quickly and as Yugyeom turns around to look at you, you realise the reality of this statement. He really is a man now.

As he walks back to you, Yugyeom says, "why are you looking at me like that?"

"No reason." You shrug. There is no movement from inside the vehicle at the curb. "Aren't the the others coming?"

"We'll be quick," Yugyeom reassures you and steers you towards the revolving doors.

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