When You Get Back

36 1 18

It has been a week since you came to Seoul. A week since you left your dad. A week since you started living with Yugyeom and a week since you last saw Jackson.

Sat in a quiet Hongdae coffee shop, you contemplate these changes and resist the urge to look at your phone, as you had been for the past half an hour. Your laptop sat in front of you, with pages and pages of vacant jobs open. Although Yugyeom had said that he'd look after you and although you didn't doubt him, you wanted to do something. Anything to meet people and help contribute. Anything to not be dead weight.

Over the past week, you have seen more of the city than you ever thought you would see in your lifetime as Yugyeom had taken you here, there and everywhere. All the places he thought you might like. You were surprised that he hadn't had a busier schedule but he'd made time for you.

It was touching.

In a couple of days, Yugyeom and the group would be leaving to record and promote in Japan. Despite your best friend's argument for you to go with them, you had put your foot down and decided to stay in Korea.

What you would do in that lofty apartment alone, you didn't know yet.

A glance at the clock told you that it was near time to go so you started packing up your things.

As you approached the dorm in a mid-afternoon warmth, a car pulled up at the curb. Out of it stepped Yugyeom and you picked up your pace. Upon closer inspection, you could see that he was on the phone.

"Thanks Jackson... that would be great... I'll let her know."

You only caught this end of the conversation with Jackson but wondered if it meant that Jackson was back in Seoul?

Skipping over to Yugyeom, you swing your arm over his shoulders; feeling a new dose of adrenaline and surprising him in the process. His face lights up and he puts his arm around your waist, bringing you to his side. Together you navigate the revolving doors without separating and head towards the elevator.

When you step inside, Yugyeom lets go of you, taking you by surprise and turning you around to face him. His eyes are filled with regret as he gazes down at you and just as you open your mouth to ask him what is wrong, he speaks.

"We have to go to Japan earlier than we thought." Thoughts run through your mind but before you can reply, Yugyeom steps closer to you and wraps you in his arms. You hear and feel him say into your hair, "I'm sorry. It's like as soon as we got back to normal, I have to leave again."

You wrap your arms around him and pull him tight to you, trying to express your forgiveness through actions. He does not need to worry.

After a few heartbeats stood there wrapped in each other, you separate and tilting your head, you look him in the eye.

"I'm fine, Gyeom. I'll be right here when you get back." You try to reassure him and his facial features soften. Yugyeom takes your hand and leads you through the open elevator door, down the corridor to the door that would lead you into the world you felt you belonged in. With them. 

As he unlocks the door, he smiles, pushes the door open and drags you inside. The door slams shut behind you both and he pulls down the hallway, into the living room. For the second time that day, the man in front of you surprises you, this time by pulling you onto his lap. Your legs straddle his and you become painfully aware of all the places your bodies meet. 

Tension takes over Yugyeom's expression and his eyes travel downwards, to your lips. The air around you both becomes electrified and-

"We brought chicken!" Youngjae's voice booms throughout the apartment and Yugyeom groans.

"You don't even live here anymore! Do you know how to knock?" Yugyeom grumbles and you laugh at the perturbed expression on his face, going to climb off his lap but stopped by his firm hands at your waist. You look down at him in confusion, to which he answers with a look of cute ignorance. 

"Look who's back!" Jaebum follows Youngjae, who places the several bags of food down on the coffee table. 

Your heart stops. Although you'd made your choice the moment you said yes to moving in with Yugyeom, you can't help but feel affected when Jackson follows his bandmates through the door. His eyes immediately move to yours and you feel his faze like the softest touch as his eyes track down your body. Down to Yugyeom's hands on your waist.

You can see the change in his expression from across the room and at that, you force yourself from Yugyeom's lap as it had suddenly grown uncomfortable. Yet Yugyeom doesn't let you go far, as he places his arm around your waist while you sit side by side on the couch. 

Jinyoung, Mark and BamBam enter the room and the eight of you sit down, using the next hour to eat fried chicken with fries and catch up with Jackson. 

The coffee table sits littered with containers and you go to help clear up but Yugyeom stops you with a hand on your knee. Looking at him, asking for an explanation for his domineering attitude, he looks apologetic.

"I'm not having you cleaning up after these messy idiots," Yugyeom says, casting his eyes fondly around the small space at his friends.

BamBam nudges Jinyoung and sniggers, pointing at where you sit next to Gyeom. "I do believe Mr Kim Yugyeom is whipped."

Yugyeom's arm tightens arms your waist and he replies with, "have been for a while." He doesn't look at you as he says it but the moment becomes intimate, despite the audience. You feel your cheeks heat and look at your lap. Then Jackson speaks.

"Don't worry, Yugyeom; I'll take care of your girl."

Your head shoots up in surprise, your eyes coming to meet Jackson's. The promise behind his eyes takes your breath away. You expect Yugyeom to retaliate but he seems just as relaxed as before.

"I trust you, Jack," he says with a laugh.

You look between them in shock. "Will someone tell me what the hell is going on?"

Yugyeom is the first to reply to you.

"While we're gone, Jackson has said you can stay with him so you won't be alone." You open your mouth to argue but much to your infuriation, he places his finger on your lips to stop the words from escaping. "Don't argue with me. You won't be any trouble and Jackson is one hundred percent ok with it."

This time you look at Jackson and he nods, earnestly. You also one hundred percent believe that Jackson is ok with it but that doesn't stop the weight of being a burden from falling on your shoulders in that moment.

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