Takes Two To Dance

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You've never seen anything like it. The high ceiling is captor to two floors including a balcony with overlooking table. The ground floor is filled by a dance floor in the centre and a bar to the right. Beyond the dance floor and writhing bodies, there is a DJ booth, surrounded my men and women talking with drinks in their hands. In the midst of all your observing you fail to catch up with the guys and can't help but feel angry that they didn't wait for you.

So, alone, you head to the right and loiter at the bar. You're completely out of your element. The flashing lights hurt your head and you decide that if you're going to stay here, then you need alcohol.  It wouldn't be the first time after all. You're approaching the bar when you realise that you probably won't be old enough to purchase any yourself. Cursing, you turn away when a voice stops you.

"Are you ok?" You turn. The mans shaggy brown hair sweeps over his forehead, reminding you of Yugyeom and his facial expression is kind, all his features perfectly proportionate. He shifts and you realise that you've been staring, finding yourself nervous around this stranger.

"Oh um yes. I just got split up from my friends and don't really know where to go or..." You stop yourself. Stop babbling.

But the guy just laughs and you find yourself smiling back at him. He holds a hand out.

"I'm Chanyeol. Would you like to dance?" Well, that was very forward. 

But you have to admit, it's nice to not feel alone anymore and you never know; maybe he's a good dancer.

So you nod and place your hand in his. He leads you toward the mass of bodies, moving to an uptempo electronic beat. As you walk, you can't help but look around, not only to look for the group but to marvel at the environment around you.

Chanyeol stops and turns back to you, not hesitating to take your other hand, placing them around his check. He laughs at your expression and places his hands on your waist. This strangers touch sends chills down your spine.

"They can't be very good friends if they left a pretty girl like you alone in a place like this." Chanyeol says, looking down at you, swaying your hips with his.

You feel the urge to defend them. "It's my fault. They're pretty good actually. I'm the bad friend."

"I highly doubt that." Chanyeol's eyes meet yours and the songs changes.  

Havana comes through the speakers. His hands begin to tighten on your waist and begin to sway your hips closer to his. You feel your hair sticking to the back of your neck so remove your hands from around his neck and brush it back. Feeling yourself loosen up, you tentatively run your hands through your hair, shaking your hips as you do so. You place your hands on Chanyeol's shoulders as his eyes darken, feeling emboldened. Your hips continue to move on their own accord to the beat.

"You're not a bad dancer." He remarks and you smile and reply, "You're not so bad yourself."

You both continue to dance and Chanyeol remains the perfect gentleman, keeping you at a respectable distance. The song changes once more to a more upbeat song. But instead of continuing to move Chanyeol stops and stares at something behind you.

Curiously you turn you head.

Jackson looks angry.

Your hands fall from Chanyeol's shoulders and you turn to face the storm completely. Jackson's eyes move from you to your dancing partner.

"Chanyeol." He curtly nods as a way of greeting and Chanyeol does the same, before picking up on the tension.

"See you around."

And Chanyeol leaves you alone, in a crowd of people, with Jackson.

As he steps towards you, you take a step back but find yourself slipping on the heels you're wearing. Jackson reaches a hand around your waist to keep you from falling and you stay in that position, in his arms for a heartbeat before he speaks.

"So that's where you wandered off to." Jackson says, referring to Chanyeol.

You push away from him.

"I didn't wander anywhere. I lost you guys in the crowd."

"And found yourself with another guy." A fierce expression takes over his face and he takes another step towards you. "It's bad enough that you look like that. Do you know how hard this is for me? It's fucking torture." 

Jackson's nostrils flare but he continue to talk.

"If it weren't for the others probably looking for us, I'd take you out of this crowd and kiss you." His words are filled with promises, as are his eyes. A thrill runs through you and heat pools in your stomach.

You're about to speak when Jackson grabs your hand and pulls you of the dance floor, pushing people people aside despite their objections.

He pulls you past the bar and to a set of stairs that you didn't notice before. Pulling you up at considerable speed, you struggle to keep up, stumbling in your heels. You reach the top.

Here you have a birds-eye view of the dance floor. Another bar stands in one corner but you move past that and towards a cordoned off section. Without a word, the bouncer removes the rope and lets the two of you through. It's towards the back wall that the group are sitting. Jackson pulls you over and they look up as you approach. You feel sheepish under all their gazes and refuse to look at Yugyeom, ashamed at what he might have seen. There is a free seat beside Mark and you move towards when your best friend stop you.

"Sit here." You look at Yugyeom to see him gesturing at the empty chair beside him.

"That's ok, I'll sit here." You're reluctant to sit next to Yugyeom if he's going to treat you like crap for a stupid slip of the tongue.

"Sit here." He repeats. You don't want to cause a scene so you move around the table, past BamBam, to the empty chair.

A drink is handed to you and you take is with hesitation, knocking it back in one. The members move to and from the table, chatting to various people in the VIP section, but Yugyeom stays stoic next to you.

Needing to break the silence, you turn to him.

"Gyeom-" You're cut off when a smooth hand brushes your thigh. It doesn't move away; it only settles. 

You try again. 

"Yugyeom-" This time the hand moves up, towards your lap.

Yugyeom continues facing forward, as if unaware of the effect he's having on you.

You suck in a breath and goosebumps run up your leg as he slides he hand under your dress.

Swallowing, you reach forward and grab another glass, drinking the alcohol quickly, needing to wet your dry throat.  

Yugyeom's hand moves closer and closer to it's destination, causing you to suck in more air as your breath is taken away by his touch.

Aware of the group moving around the table, you turn back to Yugyeom, needing him to stop before you draw too much attention to yourselves.

"Yugyeom, maybe-"

Before you know it, Yugyeom has turned towards you, hand still on your thigh.

"Don't say we're just friends. If i were just a friend, would i be able to make you feel like this?" He says into your ear, breath moving your hair.

You freeze.

He moves away, pushes his chair back and stands.

"Dance with me?" 

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