In An Instant

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A finger brushes your forehead and you relax into the touch from your drowsy state. A velvety voice says your name and you run closer to the source. Again, your name is said and you reach consciousness. Opening your eyes, you wince into the bright light.

The man in front of you is turned around, talking to someone else. "Go."

"But Jackson-," the female voice protests and dread fills your stomach. Your eyes open wider and see a stunning woman looking angrily at Jackson Wang, who is crouched in front of you. "I thought we were going to-"

Jackson interrupts her. "Just go, MinSoo." The girl huffs and spins around, not forgetting to shoot you a furious look. He turns back to you.

"You didn't have to turn her away." You say lamely.

"Yes. Yes I did." Jackson gazes into your eyes and before you completely lose yourself, you stand.

He does the same and whips out the room key. You force a smile at him as he reaches past you to open the room. You both enter.

Heading for the bathroom, you grit your teeth at the contradicting emotions unfurling in your body. Was he really about to come and mess around with a girl, in your room? Yet you shouldn't care.

But you do.

You close the door behind you without a word and get changed, rinsing the taste of alcohol from your mouth and washing your face.

Was it not you who, only a while ago, was sat on Yugyeom's lap?

Urghh this is so confusing...

Exiting the bathroom, you see Jackson sat on his bed with his back to you and can't bring yourself to talk to him; afraid he'll see the warring emotions in you. You walk around him and go to climb into your bed but a hand clasps your wrist as you pass by Jackson.

"Why are you angry at me?" He asks.

"I'm not angry. Why would I be angry?" You say in one breath.

His hand leaves your wrist and he sighs, "yeah. Why would you?"

You nod to him as if to say 'goodnight' and again head to your bedside but Jackson just won't give up.

"I'm leaving to tomorrow." 

You freeze at his words, having forgotten that Jackson would be going tomorrow. Swallowing, you nod slowly.

"Are you not even going to say anything?" His voice sounds angry and you turn to face him, coming chest to chest with him.

"What is there to say?" Your tone screams indifference but your body yearns to pull him closer, afraid of the moment when he leaves.

He looks away. "I'm just... just so confused right now."

You watch Jackson as he comes to look at you again, waiting for him to continue, hating to see the conflict in his features.

"One moment you're with me and the next you're kissing him." Jackson says, frustrated. "It's like one moment you're hot, then you're cold. If you're leading me on, stop playing these games."

"I'm sorry," is all you can say to him. He lets out a forced laugh and starts to turn around. You can't help letting the words leave your mouth. "Were you really about to come in here with that girl and do..?" you trail off, swallowing and feeling your gut twist.

Jackson is back facing you in an instant. "That's what you're angry about? About that girl? How about asking me how I feel, having to watch you and Yugyeom all over each other? How about asking me about how much it hurts knowing that I can do nothing about it and the confusion of not knowing why I feel it this strongly?"

He looks furious and it hits you that he's probably been holding this for a few weeks. The guilt in your body moulds into confusion about what to do and tears prick your eyes. 

"I'm sorry."

"Yeah, well it's a bit late for that." You wonder what he means by his this. "Anyway, goodnight."

He ends the conversation, turning around and heading to the bathroom, slamming the door forcefully behind him.

You wait for Jackson, knowing yet not knowing what you're going to say to him when he emerges.

Ten minutes turns into twenty, until you're ready to give up.

The door opens and you jump up from the bed. You face a shirtless Jackson and swallow before speaking.

"I'm so sorry i've made you feel this way, Jackson. It's the last thing I wanted. I just didn't know what to do." He watches you as you speak, a neutral expression on his face. "I couldn't stand pushing you away and gave up trying. But i'm just so confused and I'm sorry that you've been hurt as a result. I just want to know that I haven't led you on; my feelings for you have always been and still are very real."

You take a breath and he just watches you.

"What about Yugyeom?" Jackson asks after a moment.

"I love Yugyeom but what I feel for him is different to what I feel for you. I know that now," you answer honestly, knowing that it's the least he deserves.

"And what do you feel for me?" He says in a quiet voice.

"I-" You're cut off by Jackson striding towards you. When he reaches you, he takes your eyes in his and his hand comes up to cradle your cheek. 

Your eyes flutter closed as his head moves closer to yours and you wait for your lips to meet. 


His lips move against yours in lustful harmony and you can't help your hands sliding up his bare chest to rest on his shoulders. Your mouths continue to move together, giving and taking, as he begins to push you backwards until you reach the bed. 

You're falling, spiritually and physically, collapsing onto the bed and pulling him down on top you. His body covers you and his hand brushes your midriff, pausing momentarily.

You nod, unwilling to let anything stop this bliss that you find yourself in.


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