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You stand straight and look the man in front of you in the eye.

Awkward silence engulfs the two of you and a feeling of hopelessness over comes you.

"Are you ok?" Jackson asks quietly.

"Thank you for that back there. Shall we go back inside?" You paint a smile and try to walk past him, when an hand grasps your arm.

"You said not to hide feelings. I didn't take you for a hypocrite." That was uncalled for.

You turn to him, anger burning through your veins.

"What else am I supposed to do, Jackson? I have nowhere to go, nobody to turn to. My... my family is falling apart. I've never felt so alone." You feel ashamed at your outburst and notice his hands clench at his sides, as if he wants to come to you but is stopping himself. Defeat settles in your bones. "I... just want to... i want to feel at peace and not have to fend off other people. The very people i've looked up to are at odds." Tears stream down your face at this point.

Jackson surprises you once again by speaking. "I found out my Grandpa died last night. I'm torn between running to my family, staying here or crumbling."

You run a hand across your eyes feeling pathetic. "Jackson... I... I'm so sorry. I didn't know."

Another mammoth silence take over but this time it's not awkward. You lift your head look at the person in front of you, not knowing what to say.

He speaks first.

"I want you to know that I don't regret last night and I wanted to thank you for being there, when I needed someone." Jackson looks at the ground and scuffs his feet and you're overcome with a feeling of desire. You want to be the one that he turns to.

Changing the subject suddenly he says "Yugyeom wanted to come out but had to take a phone call."

You shake your head. "Jackson. I'm not thinking about Yugyeom right now."

For the first time since coming to this spot, you look around, looking anywhere but him. The greens and browns surrounding you pulse with vibrancy and birds sing their morning song. You see a bench and turn back to Jackson. He's watching you and you lose your breath. When you find it again you gesture to the bench.

"Do you... Shall we sit down?" Nervously, you ask him.

He looks over at the seat wistfully and your heart leaps for the moment before he shakes his head. "We should probably head back inside."

The familiar feeling of disappointment and embarrassment nestles itself into your stomach and you nod.

You both walk through the park and you look around, seeing what you couldn't when you walked through in the dark of last night. As you walk through the lobby, you grab Jackson's arm and he turns.

"You don't have to face them." At the expression on his face, you look at the floor. "I mean... you've just lost your grandpa..."

A finger reaches under your chin and tilts your head up. Jackson's eyes meet yours and he smiles sadly. "i'm doing what I have to do and what I want to do. I will grieve... just... when there's time."

"But that's horrible Jack-" He interrupts you.

"I know he'd want me to carry on." And with that he turns and walks towards the restaurant.

Following him, sadness settles into the pit of your stomach. Sadness for the boy that is now smiling with his friends and pretending like nothings wrong when really he feels the weight of the world on his shoulder. You can see that in his eyes.

You walk over to the table and Yugyeom meets you halfway across the restaurant. He takes your hand and pulls you beside him. You sit and try to gather the courage to stay the next words.

"Stay with us."

He beats you to it. Tears fill your eyes once again and just as one starts to fall, Yugyeom reaches up and brushes it away.

"I hate seeing you cry." He says quietly, his hand cupping my cheek.

You hate yourself for seeming so weak but don't have the energy to put up a front.

"Are you sure it's ok? How long are you in town?" The questions gush from you franticly and Yugyeom smiles, removing his hand.

"Yes it's ok and we're staying until the festival in two weeks. I want you with me." Something changed last night, with both men. The lines between friendship and whatever that is are blurred. Yugyeom gestures to your plate. "Now eat up. We have a lot of sight seeing to do today."

Turning to the table, you see the others in various conversation with each other. You momentarily forgot they were there. Jackson isn't looking at you but is talking to BamBam and Youngjae and a twist of confusion knots in your chest.

This feeling, the feeling of not knowing what you want, stays with you until you head up to the rooms and you follow Yugyeom into his. He shuts the door.

"What do I do about clothes and stuff..." You ask awkwardly, trying to gather you bag together.

"We'll get it today." He sounds so sure of himself.

Looking over, you see him watching him from where he's sat on the bed. You move to stand in front of him.

"You always know what to do." A small smile dances across your face as you say this.

"I want to make things ok for you." The sincerity in his eyes almost undoes you and for the thousandth time in 24 hours, tears rim your eyes. It crazy that you even have any more tears left to cry.

"You won't always be there, Gyeom" Sadness weighs your voice down and Yugyeom's hand slips into yours.

"I can try. I promise you, from the bottom of my heart that things will be ok."

A lone tear escapes and you feel his arms snake around your waist. You lean into his embrace and he lets you cry into his shirt. "I'm so glad you're back. But you owe me a milkshake."

A laugh reverberates in his chest. "Oh come on! That was years ago!"

Yugyeom stands, pulling you up with him and the atmosphere feels lighter.

You both gather your things together for the day out. A knock shakes the door and Jaebum's voice filters through. "Come on you two! We're growing old out here!"

Sharing a smile with Yugyeom, you follow him to the door. When you step out and see the five of them, you smile again. You're lucky.

"We're just waiting for Jackson and then we can go." BamBam says. The relief the runs through you at the thought of Jackson not seeing you come out of the room with Yugyeom messes with your head and you're taken aback by the feeling.

So you stand in silence, at Yugyeom's side until Jackson emerges. You suddenly find the carpet very interesting.

"Alright! Let's get this show on the road!" With the laughter and cheers that follow this, it's hard not to feel enthused. But when you look and meet a pair of eyes, you can't decipher what you see in them. Jackson breaks the contact and you all make the way to the elevator.

Three In a Bed | got7 x readerWhere stories live. Discover now