Memories Linger

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"You can leave, Yugyeom"

"Dad. He's staying."

"I don't want him here." Your father is putting his foot down. You won't win this time. "This is family business."

Some family we are.

You turn to Yugyeom whose face is set like stone and say, "it's ok."

"I'm staying and then I'm taking you with me."

"Like hell you are." Your dad cuts in again. He turns to you. "Lets go." He takes the bag from you and grabs your wrist, jerking you inside the door and slams the door in Yugyeom's face.

With that, you are dragged in the house and upstairs.

"Where the hell have you been?" Your father yells once he pushes you into your room. He stands imposing in the doorway and you initiate a stare down. You don't answer. You can only think of Yugyeom. Your father stomps further into the room and slams his hand down on your desk. "Answer me!"

You don't.

At your silence, the man you once loved walks slowly over to you and stands mere millimetres away from you. You can smell his stale breath and see how yellow his eyes are. "Lets try this again shall we?" He says in a low voice. "Where have you been?" 

You still don't answer.

Your father raises his hand.

"I was with a friend. Doing a school project." It comes out in a rush, fuelled by the fear of his hand meeting your cheek and the stinging pain that follows.

It's only then that you notice what he's wearing. A suit. He's got a fundraiser. The bastard. Your eyes meet his once again. A couple of months ago you would have apologised profusely, would have done anything to turn his anger away from you. Not today. Today you've had enough.

The cruel glint in his eyes becomes more obvious and it's clear he doesn't believe you. But hidden, underneath the sadistic look is one of unfocused attention, the type you only get from alcohol. He's been drinking.

A phone rings and without a look back at you, a marches out of the room. You release the breath you've been holding.

"Hello... Yes..." A door slams. There he is. Back in work mode. Your father has been the town Governor for three years now. You don't blame his job change as the reason your family fell apart. you blame him. The first word you ever learned was explicit and you remember muffling the shouts with your pillow when you were younger. 

You snap into action. Taking a duffel bag from your closet and stuffing as many of your possessions into it as you can, you try to hold in your tears and telepathically tell Yugyeom that you're coming. You weren't sure at first. It was silly really, hoping your father had changed with the departure of your mother but after these past few minutes you know. Know that you cannot live in this house for a minute longer. This is the hardest thing you've ever done. Leaving the place of so many memories, for one of none. The only thing that eases the pain is the trust you feel wholeheartedly for Yugyeom. You trust him. Trust him to take care of you. Although what you'll do in Seoul you have no idea but you'll figure it out.

When you've finished, you take on last look around the room. The walls a dusty pink, bed set a sickening floral pattern your mother chose.

You need to hurry. Before your Dad finishes on the phone. You made sure to pack the stash of cash you kept in your closet so you should be ok. There are no photos on the walls, only bad memories linger. 

So, taking a breath, you turn and shut the door to your bedroom before darting across the landing and down the stairs. The front door creaks open and you listen to any sound of your father realising you're gone. None. Opening the door fully, you step out and the first thing you see is Yugyeom sat on the front garden, leaning on the tree that you used to climb as a kid.

He stands when he hears the door shut behind you and waits for you to reach him. His outstretched hand is the almost too enticing to refuse but you place your hand in it anyway, feeling his hand curl round yours lovingly.

Saying nothing, Yugyeom leads you down the driveway of the house that always felt too large for only three people. You once had a dog but your mother sent it to a shelter after it dug up her petunias. You loved that dog and it's this memory that gets you choked up as you walk down the gated road, lined with other too-large houses. A tear escapes, then another and another until you can't see. But you can feel. You feel nothing and everything all at once. You feel Yugyeom's arms come around you and he holds you, in the middle of the road.

"I know you're hurting but we have to go before your dad comes out." Yugyeom says into your ear after a few moments and you nod, wiping the moisture from your eyes with the back of your hand.

Eventually, you both reach the end of the road and without a look back, you step into the taxi that Yugyeom called to take you back to the hotel. It's only when you are driving away that you look through the gates and see your dad standing at the end of your drive. Part of you is worried for him. He's never been alone before. But the other part of you thinks that this is what he deserves.

A hand interlaces with yours on the middle seat and you turn your head to see Yugyeom staring at you.

"You ok?" 

"Yeah." You sniff. "I'm with you. What could go wrong?" 

He smiles. "You'll like it in Seoul, i promise." 

You nod and look out the window once again. Your high school passes by, as does the convenience store. This town is monotonous. You're glad Yugyeom had the chance to get out.

And now you will too.

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