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Yugyeom points at landmarks out the window on the journey back to the hotel and you're more than happy to reminisce with him. The taxi pulls up at the curb and you get your wallet out but the man beside you pushes your hand down and looks at you pointedly.

"I've got this." Yugyeom says and you open your mouth to argue but can't summon the energy. You get out of vehicle and walk around to the trunk of the car to unpack your bags while Yugyeom thanks the cab driver. Once you've unloaded and closed the door, the taxi pulls away from the curb and your best friend approaches you. He takes a bag from your weary hands and leads you into the warm lobby. You both cross the carpet and wait for the elevator. Watching the doors open, you step in and Yugyeom does the same.

Facing forward, you refuse to look at him as the lift climbs the building. Neither of you say anything. Finally the doors open and light floods into the capsule. You step out and Yugyeom grabs your arm, turning you to face him.

"Tell me honestly, are you ok?" You nod in answer to his question and he swallows, not believing you for a second. Turning away, you carry your bags to the door and knock. You lift your head high as Jinyoung opens the door.

"They're back!" He calls into the room and you hear the group's elation at you return. Just hearing their joy makes you smile. It's contagious. You made the right decision. At least you hope you have. Jinyoung lets you in and you and Yugyeom enter the brightly lit room. Youngjae takes one look at the luggage in your hands and gets up to walk over to you.

"Welcome to the family." He hugs you to his side and Yugyeom clears his throat behind you. Pulling away, you turn to him and smile shakily.

"So what now?" You ask your best friend, seeing the ten year old boy he was when you met, the one who knew all the answers.

"Pizza!!!" Yugyeom yells and you laugh as the room erupts in whoops and cheers. You get caught up in the activity of the room as JB calls for room service, BamBam and Mark move the table in the centre of the room and Jinyoung and Youngjae tidy the beds. A tap on your shoulder alerts you to someone to behind you and you turn to see Jackson smirking at you. Silently, he takes your bags and walks towards the door.

"Where are you going?" You yell after him but he just laughs.

"The only free bed is in my room," and with a smile at you, he leaves the room.

Yugyeom calls to you and you turn your head to see him patting the space next to him on the sofa. You go and sit down next to him.

"You don't mind right? Sharing with Jackson?" He asks and you swallow. He fully trusts Jackson. Enough to let you sleep in the same room. He trusts you. But do you trust yourself? You nod, he smiles and turns to the TV.

Jackson enters the room again and everyone sits in various spots in a circle. You feel... whole. You've never had this. This feeling of belonging, of being part of a group. You're glad your best friend has found it and now hopefully you have too. So you snuggle into the cushions and watch the boys banter between them. You laugh every now and then.

A knock on the door sounds through the room and two room attendants wheel stuffed trolleys into the room. Your jaw drops and you turn to BamBam.

"Are you sure you're going to eat all that food?" You ask sceptically and he chuckles.

"You've obviously never seen us eat pizza before, have you?" He replies and you shake you head.

Plates are placed on the central table and you all pull up chairs. The following hour passes by in a floor on mouthfuls of food and hysteric laughter. Somehow you ended up playing charades and you all yell at Jinyoung miming in front of the table. By the time you've all finished there is no food left on the table and you shake your head in amazement.

"How can seven men eat so much?" You wonder aloud and that sets the table laughing once again.

Jackson flexes an arm and you blush as he says, "you think becoming this hot comes from not eating? Think again."

Youngjae hits him on the arm and they continue to compare arm muscles while the others talk around you. You can't help but watch Jackson interact with his friends. He's captivating.

"Hey." A nudge in your side diverts your attention to Yugyeom beside you. "Do you want anything else to eat?"

You shake your head vigorously. "I don't think I'll eat anything else all week, thank you."

Your best friend laughs and throws his left arm over the back of your chair. As you talk, for the next fifteen minutes, Yugyeom twirls strands of you hair leisurely and you feel your skin flush every time his fingers brush the nape of your neck.

The afternoon shifts into the evening and the once bright light in the room slowly dims. You begin to yawn and Jackson leans across the table to talk to you.

"You want me to open our room?"  You don't miss his use of the word our and can't help the thrill that runs through you at the phrase. Standing, Yugyeom hugs you and says goodnight. You bid farewell for another day to the rest of the group and Jackson leads you and your bags from the room. The hallway is quiet in comparison to the active chatter inside.

Jackson and you walk down the corridor silence, stopping outside his door. He unlocks it gestures for you to enter. The spare bed sits pressed against the wall, welcoming with its soft white sheets and puffed red cushions. You place your bags down and turn back to him. Jackson leans against the wall with his arms crossed, watching you.

"I'm um... going to shower." You say, shifting on your feet. A strand of brown hair has fallen into his eyes are you have to wrestle down the urge to walk over and tuck it away. As if he can read you mind, a hand reaches up and brushes it back.

"I'll leave you." He says and turns to go.

"Jackson..." you start, not knowing where your going or what to say, only wanting him to stay. He looks expectantly at you, eyes wide and kind. You shake your head. "Nothing."

He nods but instead of leaving, walks over to you, taking your head in his hands. His lips press delicately against your forehead and you swear your heart is about to burst out of your chest. You throat constricts and you can't breathe as he smiles and turns away, walking to the door. The door shuts and you're left in silence, wallowing in the shame of knowing your heart is torn between two men who make your blood sing.


Hello! TaeKookMinGi here.
For scientific reasons I would love to know who you ship yourself with so please don't hesitate to comment who you want to end up with!!
Until next time!

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