Family Ties

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You decide to take the stairs down to breakfast. Paintings line the walls as you traipse down the carpeted staircase. You watch man after woman after landscape move past you. But, just as you reach the bottom, a painting catches your eye. The Eiffel Tower is illuminated against the dark sky. It makes you wonder about how little you've seen, how little you've experienced. You've lived in this small town your entire life. The furthest you've been is to the city an hour away. Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing to go with Yugyeom.

A man passes you on the stairs and you move away from the painting and into the lobby. Your phone buzzes.


Twice in the space of 15 minutes? He must want something. But after your last phone call with your father you're reluctant to talk to him. So you stand there, listening to the chatter from the dining room, the deep laughs no doubt erupting from Youngjae, debating whether or not to answer the phone.

You have to at some point.

Pressing accept, you move over to one of the armchairs situated in the hotel lobby.


"Come home," is all he says.

You don't say anything back.

Your dad speaks again. "Hello? Are you there?"


"We need to talk. Your mother and I. We need to talk to you."

"Why hasn't mum called me?" You blurt out. The question has been running through your mind for days.

"Your mother...," he sighs. "Things are complicated right now. But I just need you to come home."

"No." You refuse. "I am not coming to that house only to have you and mum yell at each other for hours on end. I can't take it."

"Don't be difficult. I need to talk-"

"No," you says loud enough that two businessmen walking past talk to look at you.

"No." You repeat, quieter this time. "Whatever you need to say to me, you can say right here."

"I am not talking to you about this over the-. You know what? Fine." This is the first time in the this conversation that you hear the anger in your dad's voice. You can't deny, knowing what it feels like to be on the other end of that anger, that you are scared. "Your mother isn't here."

You take in his words.

"What?" You manage to squeeze out.

"Your mother. She left."

"What did you do?" You allow yourself to growl at your father.

"I did nothing-"

"What did you do?" You cry, louder this time.

"I did nothing-"


"No. You will listen to me." The anger is the mans voice is unmasked and you button your mouth. "Your mother left. With her boss."

You're shocked. Speechless.

A shadow falls over you and you look up.

Jackson looks down at you, concern etched into his skin.

This snaps you into to action.

You press the end button and pocket your phone, standing to turn back to the stairs. As you do you feel a hand on your arm. Shaking Jackson off, you march up the stairs. You reach the top, panting with exertion. Footsteps follow yours. Down the corridor, you walk to Yugyeom's room and as you stand outside the door you realise you have no key. You hear Jackson approach you from behind but don't have it in you to face him. He takes your hand, turning you.

A tear escapes as you look down at the floor. One finger slides under your chin, tilting your head up to meet his eyes.

"Tell me," is all Jackson says. You shake your head, trying to pull away. It's no use. He has you in his grip and he's not letting go. He pulls you to the right, to stand in front of the door to his room. Jackson unlocks the door and walks you inside, sitting you down on the bed. He sits beside you. "Was that your dad on the phone?"

Rubbing a hand over you face you say, "yes."

"What did he want?"

You take a breath. "He wants me to come home."

"Are you going?"

"I don't know."

The two of you sit in silence. After a few minutes, you feel Jackson slide an arm around your shoulders and he pulls you to him. Gently, he pats your arm in comfort.

"My mum... she... she left." You manage to force out and Jackson pulls you to him.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I expected it. What I didn't expect was for her to leave me. But she did. She left me, Jackson." Another tear escapes. "What's worse is that she doesn't care. She hasn't called once. She has upped and left me for her boss. She was having an affair."

"What an asshole." You smile weakly at his words and nod. But what you don't tell him is who her boss is. Your mother worked as an agent for JYP, that's how you and Yugyeom became friends. He dreamed of being an idol in that company and you were the one who got him scouted. The dread that coils in your stomach at the thought of your mother having an affair with JYP was too much to contain. Tear after tear escapes and Jackson lets you cry on his shoulder.

When you've finished, you lift your head.

"Sorry." You grimace at the wet patches on Jackson's shirt but he only shakes his head.

"I'm glad you got it all out." Jackson holds out his hand which you take and he pulls you up. When you stand you only come up to his shoulder. You face each other and Jackson reaches out his other hand to brush a strand of hair back from your eyes.

"Thank you," you say quietly.

"For what?"

"For letting me cry in your shoulder."

"Well, I do have very broad shoulders, perfect for crying on." He grins and you laugh. You find yourself dreading the moment he leaves. In the time he's been with you, you haven't felt so alone.

You phone buzzes once again and you freeze.

Risking a glance down at the screen, you exhale a breath of relief.


"Gyeom is looking for me," you say reluctantly and Jackson nods slowly. Your heart drops as he lets go of your hand and it swings to your side.

He gestures towards the door. "Shall we?"

You smile. "We shall."

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