That's My Girl

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The meal with the seven men was... nice.


It was lovely and it never fails to amaze you how at home you feel within their company.

On the way back up to the room, Youngjae tells you about Coco as you both take the elevator. You are heading out early and the others are staying for extra drinks.

"...she wakes me up in the morning." Youngjae says animatedly. You smile at his hand gestures.

"I had a dog for, hmmm let me see," you try to remember how long you kept your puppy. "It must have been two weeks."

Youngjae smiles. "Why did you get rid of it?"

"It dug up my mother's petunias." You say and Youngjae chuckles, pearly whites gleaming in the dim light.

The doors open you both step out, walking along the corridor you've walked what feels like a thousand times. He excuses himself to go and chat to his family and you nod, watching him enter his room, the small wave he gives you before closing the door.

Walking along to the room you share with Jackson, a thought occurs to you.

The keycard.

You turn around, deciding a little exercise never hurt anybody and taking the stairs.

As you approach the second floor, voices filter to your ears.

You forgot that your father was here and debate what to do. Do you go and interrupt Youngjae or hurry down to the bar?

Just as you turn around, a voice says your name.

You freeze in your position on the stairs and your father repeats your name, stronger this time.

So you turn to face him.

Your father stands alone at the bottom of the stairs. His face is made of stone and you shiver at his cool expression. His suit is pristine and his hair is combed nicely.

A staring match ensues, competing with each other to see who gives in first.

You clear your throat and lift your head. There is nothing you owe and no reason for you to talk to him.

Continuing to descend, your father gets closer and your heart rate picks up until you are eye level with him.

Brushing past him, he grabs your arm. "Come home."

You swallow. "Excuse me sir."

"Cut the crap. It's bad enough for my image that I'm here alone after pledging myself as a family man but don't make me a fool, girl." 

Only once he stops speaking do you look at him.

"Maybe you should have thought about your image before hitting your wife." Your tone is neutral and you can see the veins in his neck. His grip on your arm tightens.

"That woman deserved every blow I dealt her."

"Yeah, and look where that got you. She left. Now you have nothing." Your blood buzzes.

Watching your father rein in his temper, you try not to make a sound as his hard restricts further around your forearm. 

"I don't want to see you here again." Your father spits, letting go of your arm and storming past you, up the stairs.

You release the breath you've been holding, walking on legs like jelly down to the bar.

Painting on a smile, you approach them at the table.

"Ah look who's here." Jinyoung leans back lazily in his chair and you flop into the seat opposite BamBam, beside Jackson. Yugyeom smiles at you as you look around the table and you reach for his drink, talking a several gulps before placing the glass down on the table. The men all look at you in astonishment except your best friend.

"That's my girl." Yugyeom winks at you and maybe it's the vodka, but you feel your cheeks flush. 

"You'll regret that in the morning." BamBam quips from beside you and you shake your head.

"No. No I won't."

For the next hour, you feel yourself falling further away from sensibility as the number of empty glasses grows on the table.

"Drink! Drink! Drink!" You all chant as Jaebum stands up to take shots, laughing when he downs three in succession, gasping at the taste.

"Your turn." Mark ushers you to the bar and click your neck from side to side as you take in the glasses in front of you.







That's what alcohol is. Despite the number of glasses you've had, you're not nearly as off your head as some of the boys are. That's one thing your dad did right. 

He didn't raise no lightweight.

As you make your way back to the table, Yugyeom slides an arm around your waist, pulling you onto his lap. Laughing, you stoke his hair. It's soft.

When you look up, Jackson's eyes meet yours and a pang of regret shoots through your core. 

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" The others chanting only just registers in your ears and you feel a hand slide up your neck to tilt your head towards Yugyeom's face.

You smile before his lips meet yours, planting a rough kiss on your lips.

Cheering and whooping erupts and you look around.

Something's missing.

Movement catches your eye and you watch Jackson's back as he retreats from the room, a heavy bubble forming around your heart and you shoot to your feet.

"I'm tired." You tell the table and they wish you goodnight.

Yugyeom doesn't walk you out.

You hurry from the bar, chasing Jackson as he exits through the main doors. Bursting into the warm night air, goosebumps emerge on your bare arms. You call his name.

No reply.

You call his name again.


Turning back inside you take the elevator back up to your room.

You try the door handle. Locked.

Jackson has the key.

You turn, placing your back against the wood and sliding down until your butt meets the carpeted floor. Hugging you knees to you chest, you lean your head back against the door, closing your eyes only for a second but feeling yourself drifting...


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