to the moon and back

856 26 15

6 year ago. (age : 18)



"i love you. you know that right?"

"of course babygrill." sean says while grinning at y/n while they sat on the roof stargazing.

"sean i'm serious." she laughs at him.

"of course i love you. to the moon and back."

they stayed in silence. not awkward but comfortable with each others presence.

that was the first time they said i love you to each other and actually meaning it. not that they didn't mean it before but at that moment it was serious.

"will you be with me through anything?" she nervously asked the boy, scared to see him go away at any moment because of a disease she found out she had that day.

"y/n, i'll be with you through everything."

they look at each other and start leaning in.

y/n wanted to enjoy life before it comes to and end and that's what she did.

they kiss each other passionately and head back inside to finish what they started.

y/n wanted to make love with sean and that's what they did that night.

she had found the perfect person and she did not want to say goodbye to him.

3 months later. (like 5 years ago ion)

"i can't keep this from you anymore. i have to tell you sean."

"what is it? tell me baby."

"i-i um please don't be mad."

sean starts to get worried at the thought of her cheating or that maybe she did something wrong.

"i won't as long as you tell me."

"i h-have cancer."

sean felt his heart shatter in billions of pieces once he heard those three words come out of her mouth.

"how long have you kept this from me." he tried to stay strong but all he wanted to do in the moment was break down.

"t-three months." she said in almost a whisper.

"you kept this from me for three months and didn't tell me!" he screams leaving the girl shocked at his sudden change of action.

"im sorr—"

"how can you not tell me?! you kept this from me!" his voice starts cracking and tears starts to pour out of their eyes.

sean couldn't take it anymore and broke down at the spot. he was balling his eyes out and looked depressed.

y/n rushed quickly to the boy and sat down on the floor while sean laid his head on her lap and cried his eyes out while y/n was trying to calm him down.

seeing what state sean's in right now broke her heart.

sean wasn't mad at y/n. he was just mad at the facts that he couldn't do anything about it except pray.

after what had happened that night, sean never let y/n out of his sight. he was carful with her as if she were glass.

they did the impossible while she still had the chance to and lived life to the fullest.

present day.

"it's been 1 year without you. one year of loneliness. one year of heartbreak."

"i never found anyone else. i don't want anyone else because i have you."

"you said to find someone better than you but what if you're what's best for me?"

"y/n, you always brought the best in me. you loved me just the way i am. not because of my looks or my dancing. you loved me for being well me."

"it's crazy how time flew by. i can never get you off my mind. 24/7. "

"you did your part and now it's time to do mine. y/n, i love you and i want to be with you." he starts to cry.

"i love you too much and it hurts waking up every morning to not see you're face. and to not see you small body wrapped on my arms

tears start pouring out of his eyes.

"i love you y/n. to the moon and back."

he kisses her grave and looks at the world one more time before he pulls the trigger.

he smiles at the thought of being with her again. he closes her eyes thinking about her and pulls the trigger, laying down right next to her grave.

authors note ;
omg i legit cried doing this.
im sorry peeps
my heart hurts bYE

729 words

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