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dear y/n,

how's juilliard? i heard that kaycee is there. tell her i said hi if you see her. how's the weather in ny? cold? anyway i miss you more and more each and every day. hope you didn't forget about me :). you still got the promise ring i gave you? well i never not once considered about taking it off. hope you still kept yours! i just wanted to let you know that things have been hard without you arpund to stick by my side. i miss you and i love you.

- sean lew (december 1st)

dear y/n,

hey how you doing love? you haven't sent back anything yet :(. i see you're making friends! that's great! i heard kenneth is in nyu and by looking at your insta i see you guys are getting along and that's great. don't forget about me:). love you.

- sean lew (december 5)

dear sean,

hi sean. sorry i have been really busy lately. and yea i really think kenneth has changed. i've missed him. and ofc i wouldn't forget you. see you soon.

- y/n (december 7)

dear y/n,

good to know that you and kennth are doing good. you guys have been getting really close lately. sorry i stalk you on snap and insta but that's because i miss you. really hope you come back. hugs and kisses.

- sean lew (december 10)

dear y/n,

hey why'd you block me from insta and snap? are you mad at me? what did i do? tell me.
but i have been tagged in pictures of you and kenneth kissing. is it true? are you guys together? did you forget about me? did you loose feelings? please tell me. i love you.

- sean lew (december 15)

dear y/n,

haven't heard from you for a while. i just want to know what happened to us? we used to be inseparable. we were a dynamic duo. we miss you here in la. what's up with you and kenneth though? i've been telling myself that it's photoshopped but more pictures pop up. i honestly don't know what to believe anymore.

- sean lew (december 21)

dear y/n,

christmas is here and you're not in cali. you promised to come back since you have a break for a week. kaycee is here but you're not. i honestly feel disappointed. but i love you too much to let this relationship go to waste. i'll wait for you.

- sean lew (december 25)

dear y/n,

happy new year babe. i was really looking forward to kissing you at midnight and seeing your beautiful face. love you.

- sean lew (january 1)

dear y/n,

so i guess the rumors are true. you and kenneth are dating. you know that's really pathetic of you to not even bother to tell me. and to keep this from me. you could've just told me that you don't love me anymore. clearly you've moved on and forgot about me.

- sean lew (january 27)

dear sean,

i'm sorry sean. i can't keep up with the long distance relationship. it just wasn't workig out. i hope you understand. i just don't love you like i used to.

- y/n (february 1)

dear y/n,

you weren't even trying to keep this relationship going! you're the one who failed. i tried my hardest to make it work, i put in the effort, i put in the love, i did all the work because i loved you.

- sean lew (february 5)

dear y/n, ( 2 years later )

it's been awhile. the day you broke my heart was the day my whole life broke. my mom died the day you ended it. i hope your happy with kenneth. i heard you're coming back to cali since you're almost done with your school year. see you soon.

- sean lew (june 21)

authors note ;
this is so bad sorry.
pls give me requests because i have been losing inspiration.
love you guys 5k 💪🏿

680 words

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