Chapter 7- The Possible Date

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I woke up at 7 am this morning. Why? I have no idea, but it was somewhat good. I had a good amount of time to get dressed for my future job here in Mystic Falls. Bonnie is going to help me look for them since I don't know many places here and most of them have been closed down. I put on something simple, yet professional. A silver/gray tank-top and black lacey skirt fitted to my waist, and a pair of black toms. I never really liked purses, so I always carried my money in my phone case or the inside of my shoe.

Bonnie and I agreed to meet in town square at 9 am. so she could show me around the new places in Mystic Falls, and the places that are offereing Jobs. It was 8:15. I looked at myself in the mirror and sawthat it was not a bad reflection. Though my appearance wasn't the best, I still thought I looked somewhat decent enough to go out in public. I grabbed my phone, keys, and left my flat. My car was parked outside of my flat perfectly parked. Might as well go to te Grill and chill out there for a few minutes as I wait for the time to pass. I really don't want to stay indoors till 9 am.

I made my way to the Grill in my '76 Camaro. I stopped in front of a stoplight, looking around the shops that were on the sides of the streets and on the corners. There was a certain shop that caught my eye. A record store was offering a manager position, I write music, I know so much about it, I even listen to some of the old styles of music, cause honestly, I don't do music now-a-days, unless I write it. " I'll go and check it out after I meet Bonnie." I thought to myself. I finally reached the Grill, and by the time I got there it was already 8:25.

I entered the Grill and scoped the room before laying my eyes on a certain tall, blond, and handsome man drinking away at this time of day. I shook my head at his drinking habits and walked over to him. I sat down and asked for a glass of lemonade. Shoot, they should always have some good ol' fashioned lemonade. The bartender served me some lemonade on a glass cup and I started to sip it before my blond friend realized I sat beside him. He turned his head and gave me a light warm smile.

"Hello, my dear." He said smiling.

"Hello Niklaus." I said returning his smile.

"What brings you to the Grill on such a fine morning?" He asked me in a soothing tone.

"Going to meet my cousin Bonnie in town square to look for a job. I already thought of a good one on my way here. I found a record store looking for help on Mabel and 5th. Thought I'd stop by later on and give it a shot." I said to Niklaus explaining what my plans are for this morning while drinking my lemonade.

"I know that place, Carter's Records. That old geezer is still in business after all these years? I'm surprised his store hasn't closed down." Niklaus said drinking down a shot of vodka.

"Niklaus! Be nice! I happen to like records and the music for back then than the styles of 'TODAY'S' music." I said somewhat scolding Niklaus, though all I did was make him laugh at my comment.

"So my dear, what do you say to a good old fashion movie tonight?" He asked me politely. It was so sweet, but wait, is this like a date? I don't know I'm not sure of what is happening.

"Sure of course. Why not." I said smiling.

"Splendid. It's a date, I'll pick you up at 7. Dress however you deem fit. Either way you'll still look gorgeous." Niklaus said giving my a sweet warming smile.

I loved his smile, somehow it just made me feel all weird and tingly in my heart. I honestly did not know what that meant, I'll have to talk about ti with Bonnie later on today. I smiled at him showing all my teeth, exposing my braces. Yes I know it's somewhat lame, 17 and braces. It's bad enough I have glasses, but the braces thing just adds on to my secret nerd side. But only you and I shall know about it. Deal? Deal! Good, now don't tell anyone! Anyways! Niklaus looked at me with a soft expression on his face.

"What is it?" I asked him. I could tell he had something on his mind.

"What do you mean?" He replied, sounding as if he didn't know what I meant.

"You're doing it again." I responded looking at him.

"What am I doing again?" He replied.

"Staring, you're staring. Why?" I asked him curiously. There's nothing to stare at. It's just me, my face. A face, everyone has one.

"So, does that make me such a bad guy if I like what I'm looking at?" He retorted.

"No, it's just, it's weird. No one really stares at me, unless I'm doing a signing or up on stage." I responded to his comment. I looked at the clock above the shelves behind the bartender cleaning the beer cups, reading the time. 8:56 am. Crap I'm going to be late! Bonnie is very punctual when it comes to meetings.

One time when my mom, well adoptive mother, but still my mom, held a party for me on my 11th birthday, Bonnie came right at 5pm. That was when the party started. Henceforth, after that day, I knew that Bonnie would always be one of those girls that always arrives on time for parties, interviews, meetings, appointments, etc. I have never been one of those people. Usually I'm the one who's always fashionably late, by around 15 minutes, due to oversleeping, traffic, or getting easily distracted by the most silliest of things. I probably have the attention span of a squirrel.

"Nik, I have to go. Bonnie's meeting me at 9 and It's almost 9." I said looking at Niklaus then back at the clock.

"I can take you there if you want?" He offered.

"Like "wooshing" me there?" I tried to understand what he meant.

"I can take you there, in a matter of seconds, rather than you driving for a matter of minutes." He said explaining.

I looked at the clock again, 8:59. Holy cheese-balls. I'm seriously going to be late. I didn't have time to battle this out get in my car and get there by 9.

"Fine!" I said finally giving in.

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