Chapter 10

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Wendy's pov ~ 

As I walked into my room, I shut the door behind me. My room was quite small, so there wasn't really anything to show Peter. Although, I did give him a quick tour. I sat on my bed and sat crossed legged, waiting for Peter to do the same. He was looking at all the pictures that  hung just above my bed. 

"You were a cute baby." He stated, a slight smile appearing on his face.

I blushed. "Thanks. But aren't all babies cute?" 

He turned to look at me and shrugged.

"I guess, but your- never mind." 

It has always been a pet peeve of mine when people begin to say something, and then go 'never mind.' I just brushed it aside this time. He sat on my bed and crossed his legs.

"So, that case?"

I  nodded rapidly and went to find the pipe that I left in my bag. 

"I found this pipe that was left in the spot that Bae was last seen." 

I handed it to Peter.

"Its my first and only lead." 

He didn't pick it up, but he was looking at it intently.

"Perfect." He said, simply.


"Yeah. We can get some DNA tests done and see who's fingerprints they are."

I smiled immediately, but soon frowned.

"Wait, won't my fingerprints come up?" 

"There's a type of testing you can do. That way, the machine will know that it wasn't you and just scan the other fingerprints."

I didn't know Peter was so smart. 

"Well that's great! We'll have to do it tomorrow, since it's getting pretty late now." I gestured to my alarm clock.

Peter nodded in agreement. We stayed up for some time, talking about the case and school, and just life in general. I couldn't tell you how many times we were planning to go to sleep, but kept bringing up something new to talk about. 

Finally, at 1:00 am, both Peter and I, went to sleep. 

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