Chapter 30

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Peter's pov ~

"Are we leaving now?" John asked. I've come to like Wendy's brothers. They were nice, but could be savage if they wanted to be. They were quite cute too. 

"Yes, but there are a few things we'll need to do before we actually get to London." All the chatter amongst the boys stopped. "I doubt that many of you will need to do this but if there's anything you want to bring with you from Neverland, then get it now." 

They all looked around, asking each other what they would be bringing. The only person that left to find something, was Bae. He emerged out of his tent with a drawing. Wendy smiled straight away. All the boys peered over Bae to see what it was. 

"That's a really good drawing." One of the younger boys muttered.

"Thanks." Bae side smiled. I couldn't see the drawing from where I was, but I assume it was good from all the comotion.

"Is that everyone?" I asked. They all nodded. I must admit, it was kind of sad that no one really wanted to bring anything from Neverland. But we have each other, I guess.

"Okay, now, this next step is important." All eye's were glued on me. I like attention though, so it doesn't bother me. "To get to England, we're going to need a ship. Big enough to hold all of us."

"The Jolly Roger!" A boy screamed, making everyone turn to him. He smiled, sheepishly. 

"Yes, erm, they Jolly Roger is perfect. But lets not forget, that pirates own that ship. We need to take it. And we're going to have to fight."

All the boys roared with anticaption. Even Wendy looked excited about fighting. "We're going to need swords." I stated, using my magic to give everyone swords. "Now, lets go!"


We all walked to the beach. Thats where the pirates keep the Jolly Roger. Even though Hook was gone, his crew still stayed and took ownership of it. Wendy and I were leading the group, walking hand in hand.

"Wendy. I know you're brave and strong, but -"

"I'll be safe." She smiled, reasurringly. I smiled as she kissed my check. "Its cute that you worry."

"How could I not? Pirates are dangerous. And escpecially after the mermaid incindent." I could feel her grip on my hand tighten. 

'Peter, trust me. I'll be fine. We'll be fine." She kissed me softly. The touch of her lips comforted me. 

"I know." I smirked. She shook her head and laughed. 


The Jolly Roger was now in sight and we all hid behind a big rock. 

"Okay, everyone listen." I whispered. "Just go in there and fight. Take no mercy." 

"Peter" Wendy scowled at me. 

"Sorry." My checks redenned. "But its our only ticket to England. Are we all ready?" 

"Yes!" Everyone shouted.

I smiled cockily and stood up, as did everyone else. We charged to the ship. The pirates won't know what hit them.


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