Chapter 24

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Wendy's pov ~

The rest of what was left of the day, was spent with Peter. We just stayed up in the tree house, talking and laughing.

"Wait, what?!" I said with tears streaming down my face as I laughed. "Mr Jones use to be a ruthless pirate, you took his memories away and made him live in the real world?"

Peter nodded with a grin. "He was pure evil! I can't believe he was your teacher! He used to be known as Captain Hook. He had a hook for a hand." He added. "He was the captain of the Jolly Roger. He was literally my worse enemy. He hated me. I hated him. That's how we worked."

I shook my head in disbelief. "I can't believe it either. I will never think of him the same way now." 

"Yeah, neither will I." 

"Peter. Do you think he'll ever come back?"

He shook his head. "I hope not. I mean, it is possible but he has no memories of this place or of me, so I don't see any reason he would come back." 

I nodded and thought about school and home. More importantly; Tiger Lilly. I groaned.

"What's wrong?" Peter asked, with confusion.

"I need to talk to Bae." I stood up as he rolled his eyes.

"I really don't like him. I have no idea how you like him." I glared at Peter.

"He's still my friend. We've been through a lot together."

"Just admit it, Wendy. He likes you. A lot."

"No, he doesn't!" I protested.

"Have you not seen how he looks-" I cut him off with a kiss on the check. 

"Goodbye Peter." I quickly dashed down the stairs and gave Peter one last smile.


I looked around camp and a few boys were sitting around, but none of them were Bae. I remembered the tent he disappeared into the other night and looked around for it. I found it and walked inside.


"Oh, Hey Wendy." He smiled as he looked from his drawing. One thing you need to know about Bae - He loves to draw. And he was really good at it too.

"Watcha drawing now?" I asked, walking closer to him.

"Tiger Lilly." He turned the paper around to show me, and wow! It looked exactly like her. He got her hair perfect. It was in a side braid, as usual. One strand of her was lying on the side of her face. What I loved most was her smile. She always had the goofiest smiles and would usually side smile. Meaning that her lips were more to one side.

"Bae, she looks beautiful!" He smiled. 

"Thanks. I remembered how she wanted me to draw a portrait of her and I promised her that I would. I guess I'll give it to her when we get back." 

"Yeah... About that..."

"What?" Bae asked with a concerned tone.

"I don't think we will be going back."

"What? How could you say that?!"

"Its not that I don't want to, its just... I don't need to. I have everyone that I need here." 

"You mean Peter! Wendy, have you forgotten about your parents? About Tiger Lilly?! Have you even asked me about what I want?"

"Bae, please-"

"No! Just go..." 



I sighed. I should of know this would have happened.

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