Chapter 14

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Wendy's pov ~

"Are your eyes closed?"

I laughed as I walked. "Of course they are. Your hands are over them."

Peter told me he wanted to show me something, but I couldn't see where we were going since he insisted that my eyes were shut.

"Peter, can you just tell me already?" I had already grown impatient.

"I don't need to. You can open your eyes." He took his hands off my eyes.

My eyes fluttered open to reveal, a large clearing. It was a forest. I was surprised and confused at Peter's choice of location.

"Peter, where are we? I've never been here before." I walked further into the forest, although there was nothing much to see; we were literally surrounded by grass and trees.

"I thought it was quite obvious. We're in a forest." 

I laughed at the detail of his sentence. "I know but where?" 

"You know what your problem is?"

I raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"You care to much! It doesn't matter where we are. We're here now and I want to show you something," he said with clear excitement in his voice.

This was one of the many reasons I loved Peter. He was so care free. He did what he wanted and had fun. He took my hand and looked me right in the eye.

"Now, what I'm about to do  is... Strange. But I promise you'll like it."

"Okay..." To be honest, that just worried me. But I have faith in Peter so I just went along with it. He took a breath and in an instant his feet were lifted into the air. 

"Peter, you're-you're flying!" I said in disbelief.

He just grinned. "You are too." I looked down and noticed that I was also flying. 

"Ahh!" I screamed and held onto Peter. He chuckled. "You'll eventually learn how to fly properly but for now you can just fly with me."

I was so surprised at how relaxed Peter was. He was acting like this was normal.

"How are you not freaking out?" 

"Cause I do this all the time."

I gave him a confused look which made him sigh. 

"It's a long story." He flew higher so that we were flying in the sky. I put my hand through, what looked like a fluffy cloud, but to my disappointment, felt like nothing. Peter chuckled. 

"The clouds in Neverland are soft." Why was he being so mysterious today? It was killing me.

"Neverland? As in Peter Pan, Neverland?"

He nodded. "Wendy, I haven't been completely honest with you." He looked down.

"Why? What's wrong?" 

He looked at me with sad eyes. He seemed almost guilty. 

'It started with the case..."

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