Chapter 11

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Peter's pov ~

I wasn't too happy about sleeping on a matress on the floor, besides Wendy's bed, but it was surpsingly comfortable. I woke up at 10:00 am and sat up. I looked over at Wendy who was starting to stir. She sat up and stretched. 

"Morning." She yawned. 

"Good morning." I smiled brightly.

Wendy got out of bed and slipped her slippers on. She quickly glanced at her alarm clock.

"Oh my god, Peter!"

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Its 10.00 am. We need to get started on the case!"

She rushed to her wardrobe and got ready. I was still incredibly sleepy. 

"Come on, Peter!"  She said, almost annoyed.

"I'm coming." I mutterted whilst standing up and getting ready.


It was about 11:00 am, when we left her house and started walking to the DNA scanner. We were walking along a park and I nearly got run over by 5 kids! I swear if Wendy wasn't there... 

She just giggled at my anger. 

"What are you laughing at?" 

I turned to look at her. The sun was on her face as her smiled widen, making small dimples appear on her checks. I  felt like time stood still and that she was the only one I could see.

"What are you looking at?" Wendy's voice snapped me back into reality.

"Oh, nothing." My anger suddenly disappered, replacing with a feeling that I've never felt before.

She looked at me, confused but just shrugged. 


We soon arrived at a sort of warehouse. 

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Wendy asked, with a hint of hestitance in her voice.

"Of course. Unless you want to back out?"

"No!" She said immediatly and rushed inside.

I laughed at her eagerness. This whole pipe lead, was a set up. Of course I knew that, but Wendy didn't. 

I followed her inside and looked around the room. It's just as I left it. It was a very small room and just in the middle was a DNA scanner. I walked towards it.

"Wendy! Come here"

She was too busy looking at ,who knows what, so I took her hand and pulled her closer to me.

"Hey!" Her checks blushed. She blushed so easily.

"This is the scanner. Did you bring the pipe?"

"Of course. Could you imagine if I forget?" 

I chuckled lightly as she handed me the pipe. 

"Now place your hand here." I gesturted to the inprint of a hand. Wendy placed her hand there and a blue light traced over her hand. She stepped back. 

"So what exactly did it just do?" 

"It scanned your hand, so now it's familar with your fingerprints." She nodded in understanding.

I did the same, this way, I was safe from Wendy finding out I was the kidnapper.

"Okay, so now we place the pipe on top." I put the pipe on top of the scanner and let it scan. Once it was done, it beeped, making Wendy jump.

"Sorry. I just wasn't sxpecting that." She said, sheepishly. I chuckled and handed her the paper that came out of the scanner.

"This is the kidnapper's fingerprints." 

She didn't say anything for some time.

"So how do we know who's fingerprints these are?"

"We check everyone's fingerprints at school and see if there's a match." I answered, casually.

"Well lets go find the kidnapper!" She said with excitement.

I laughed and headed to the door. 

"You sound like you're on Scooby- Doo or something." I chuckled.

She just laughed and talked about Scooby-Doo.

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