Chapter 6| This isn't goodbye

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Emma POV:
I wake up to the sound of mom and dad talking, earning a sigh from me. Today's the day dad leaves again.

After I opened up to Mr Jones, things became a lot easier. I was over the initial shock of his departure but it still stung, especially today. But I climbed out of bed and took a shower, I did my make up and picked out a cute outfit to try and brighten my day. I made my way downstairs and and saw dad making breakfast- one final time. "Morning dad!" A say as I give him a tight hug. "Morning princess" He replies back.

I finish up my breakfast and Dad drove me to school-one last time. It's funny, for the little time we had left together we didn't act like it and I think that's why I loved it. We jammed out to some old classics and we honestly had the time of our lives, even if it was only for 15 minutes . I knew behind this facade that in the end he was still going to leave, I was going to be, what I thought, alone again...

I went to give him a hug but he held me. He gently rocked me back and fourth and flattened my hair over my shoulder when I heard an extremely minute, low sob coming from my father. I instantly pulled away shocked "Dad? Please don't cry, you never cry" Seeing my own father in tears instantly motivated mine; they began to tremble down my flushed cheeks. "I know Princess. It's just you're so grown up now and I'm not ready to let go of my little girl" He whispered before wiping my escaping tear and tucking my hair behind my ear. "I know Dad but I'll always be your little girl" I whispered before kissing his cheek, "I'll see you tonight" I said before continuing out the car.

Slumping down into the ugly, plastic chair that my school has in its cafeteria, I confided to my best friend Ruby. "Hey Em, what's up?" She said with as much enthusiasm as she could project this early in a morning. "My dad got weirdly emotional this morning. Like I know last week I was in hysterics but I've only seen him cry once before and that's when I was a little girl" I explained.

Flashback (not essential to read)
Me, Mary-Margret and Emma arrived at the wedding reception and everything was magical. Blue and pink lights filled the room and music was blasted into the air. We took a seat at a table near the dance floor when suddenly my little Emma began to wriggle around and fidget. I picked her up off of my lap and spun her around so she was sat facing me with her cheeky little smile. "What's up princess?" I said with a frown on my face. "Story" She mumbled into her little hands. "A fairytale?" I questioned before I had a nod in reply. "Snow White?" I continued, she nodded again and I began my story. She settled down after a bit and it gave me a chance to demonstrate my dad moves before Emma would be old enough to be traumatised. The moment I moved her she instantly complained and insisted she came with me to dance, so that's what she did. We bounced around to the song with her in my arms and finally a slow song came on. Emma wriggle out of my arms and she stood on the floor whilst she grabbed my hands. The song 'Cinderella' began to play in the background. Before the emotions of the song hit me, my little girl stepped up onto my feet and up onto her tip-toes so she could be as tall as possible. She looked up into my eyes and let out a laugh whilst I swayed between my two feet. I picked her up so that she rested on my hip. "Dad! True loves kiss!" She said before planting a big kiss on my lips. "What do you mean Emma?" I questioned, utterly surprised. "In the fairytales, the pwince gives the pwincess a kiss" She said excitedly before she got enthralled it the song again. A tear rolled down my cheek and she looked at my with big eyes and pure confusion. And that's when I knew I could never let her go, I was her prince. I made a promise to myself that I would always be her prince and that this song would forever be ours.

I slumped my way to my last class and when I sat at my desk I smacked my head onto the wood. I didn't even think about who's class it was but I soon got that message loud and clear. "Emma! Get your head off the desk!" Mr Jones barked before turning to the board for a lecture. Whyyyyy I complained internally. Okay that's a lie. Me and Mr Jones have actually been civil with each other ever since I opened up, although he really, really isn't one for favouritism. We hadn't really spoke since last week but I know that he knows what today is because I told him. But either way, math was a drag. It just never makes sense.

"Emma stay back please!" He bellowed as everyone got up to leave his class. I groan but do so. I really want to get home. "Yes Mr Jones." I say quietly. He perches himself on the front of his desk with his legs crouched up on the chair in front. "Look I know you want to get home so I'll make it quick. I just wanted to check that you were alright?" He said with upmost concern. I unintentionally smiled to myself. "Alright I guess?" I awkwardly laughed "That's a lie. It's just going to be a shitty few days that's all, I'll be fine next week. Thankyou Mr Jones." I tried to scurry away but he stopped me. "Emma wait!" I paused and turned around. "It's next weeks homework, I'm giving you a head start" He said before handing me the sheet. Our fingers slightly brushed and I felt this warm tingling sensation up my arm but I had to quickly brush it off, I needed to get home. "Oh and Swan, foul language is bad form" He chucked along side me before I walked out the door.

Making my way into the house, Dad was in the hallway talking to my mom. He was waiting for his taxi to the airport so I knew our "goodbye time" was limited. "Dad!" I whispered out before running into his arms. "I'll be back soon, I promise. The maximum 5 months but they always discharge me home early, you know that kid." I nodded my head into his chest before I heard the honk of the horn outside. "Be safe. I love you" I said, "I love you too princess" He replied before letting go. I already missed him. I stayed in the house whilst him and mom said goodbye outside. I looked out the window and say the car drive away. A tear slipped down my cheek before I made my way to my room. I fell onto the bed and glared up at the ceiling. "I love you daddy" I whispered before wrapping myself up in a blanket and falling into a dreamless sleep...

A/N: Sorry about the slow updates, I've been in hospital the past few days so I couldn't really do much😂
Fun fact, the flashback holds a special place in my heart. Me and my dad have always said this was going to be our song at my wedding.
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