Chapter 38| She Needs Him

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Sorry for the slow updates, I have exams so I only have time to write at the weekends and sometimes I have writers block.

I did not spell check this!

As always, don't forget to comment and vote❤️


Killian POV:

I unlocked the door to my classroom and I threw my laptop case onto the desk and shook off the raindrops from my hair as I tried to tame the mess. The rain was trickling down the windows and the lightning illuminated the sky; thunder echoing through the air.

"Morning!" I heard a little cheer from behind me. I flinched round and there was my gorgeous girlfriend. Her hair was wet and little raindrops were dotted on her skin.

"Good morning My Beautiful" I smiled as I snook my hands slightly under her shirt to warm my own hands. "Ahh! Your hands are cold!" She screamed the moment my fingers touched her hips. She wriggled away before I caught her in my arms. "Give me my morning cuddle" I pouted as I stuck my bottom lip out. "Okay fine." She said sarcastically before hugging me back.

I held her tight, close as possibly could. "Killian, If you hold me any tighter my eyes might start bulging out my head" She laughed as she pulled away. "Sorry," I started as I took her hands. "I just never want you to ever think I take you for granted." I smiled as I held a kiss to her forehead.

"Hmm, I know. We love each other, that's all that matters for now" she smiled before kissing me again.

David POV:

I was laying in bed with Mary-Margret when suddenly she flipped around and placed her ear to my chest. "Who's Emma's boyfriend?" She smiled as she looked up at my panicked expression. "Umm-err- I'll let her t-tell you. It's n-not my s-secret." I stuttered. "Oh come one, she doesn't have to know" she pleaded as she kissed me neck.

"No, I promised her" I said before moving away slightly. She sat up and looked at me in the eye. "Okay" She weakly smiled before climbing out of bed. "Mary- wait" I started but she already left the room.

I sighed as I got ready before walking downstairs. "I'll talk to Emma, see what she wants to do, Okay?" I said annoyed.

"Fine." She retorted angrily

Later that day

The front door clicked open and in walked Emma. "Hello princess" I smiled half heartedly which she noted. "Hey... is something wrong?" She asked. "No, no everything is fine" I lied.

After a few hours we all joined at the dinner table for an extremely tense meal. "Okay somethings happened. What's wrong?" Emma said as she dropped her cutlery. "Nothing." I mumbled which was followed by a long pause. "So Emma, are we ever going to get to know who this mysterious boyfriend is?" She asked as she angrily cut at her chicken.

Me and Emma got caught in a long stare. Does she tell her or leave it? I didn't know what she was thinking but we didn't get a chance to think because we were being interrupted. "What are you guys so afraid of! I just want to know his name!" She stood up and begging to raise her voice.

"Killian- Killian is his name" Emma said as she tilted her head up to look at her mother. "There isn't a Killian in this town, the only Killian I know is your math teacher and-"

I could see Emma physically cringe which caught Snow's attention. "Oh my god Emma..." She said slowly when she realised what just happened. "You're sleeping with your teacher!" She shouted which made Emma stand up. "He's not just my teacher!" Emma defended herself. "Oh my god, do you hear yourself?! You are in a relationship with a teacher, an adult, a trusted leader! How the fuck has that not settled in your mind!" She shouted back.

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