Chapter 34| Meet My Dad

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I'm sorry for this chapter....

I walked in to his classroom on Monday morning and he was already there grading some papers. I coughed slightly, "You work too hard you know." I stated as I walked around his desk. He stood up and wrapped me up into his arms; "Oh god I'm never going to get tired of holding you" He whispered before kissing my forehead. "Hmm someone's lovey-dovey today, why?" I laughed as he snuggled his nose into my neck and began peppering kisses all over the skin. "I just doubt myself sometimes, I question whether a girl like you is even real." He sighed once more. My cheeks burned crimson at his compliment. "And I love making you blush" He whispered lowly in my ear as his hand held my upper thigh.

"Well I don't" I giggle as he kept pecking my lips. "Okay Killian- Killian whats actually wrong?" I asked when I finally stopped laughing. "I just feel guilty about lying to you, I know how much it hurts you." He said as I looked into his deep pools. "What did you lie about?" I asked nervously. I paused for a few minutes. "I knew about your fathers return since Tuesday. He approached me saying that apparently because 'your her favourite teacher' that he was wondering if I would be interested in helping surprise you. I met him Tuesday after school. Having to sit there and act as if I wasn't in love with his daughter, was difficult. And he..." he paused and I frowned, "What?" I pushed. "He invited me to have dinner with you and your family tonight..." his eyes were closed tightly in anticipation of my reaction

"Oh my god, did he? I'm gonna kill him!" I laughed as I stood up. "Emma wait!" He laughed as he stood up and wrapped his arm across my torso, pulling me back. "You're not going anywhere little one" He growled as he pressed his front into my back where I felt his bulge press into my lower back. "Someone's ready for the day..." I laughed as I pushed my hips back into his, earning a low growl deep within his throat. "Goodbye Mr Jones" a said sweetly before walking out the door.

Dinner with my teacher/boyfriend... oh gosh this won't end well...


Knock knock.

She froze in her bed as she heard the door downstairs. "Hey Killian, please, come on in." She heard her Mom say as she heard more footsteps and talking. "Emma! Mr Jones is here!" She shouted sweetly, lies.

I stood up, straightened my dress and combed through my hair before walking out. I stepped down the steps where Killian was talking to my Mom. He noticed me first and his mouth stood slightly open as I jumped the last few stairs. "E-Emma" he stretched his hand out for me to shake. "Mr Jones" I said as I held back my smile, he looked so god damn hot. "Please, call me Killian."

He was wearing my favourite shirt of his. It was navy and he had his top two buttons open where I could see his chest hair. This man in blue? The death of me. It always made his eyes pop and his features appear darker than usual, it made him more attractive than I thought was possible.

Before we got too sidetracked we all walked into the lounge/dining area where my dad came out of the kitchen with a cloth over his shoulder. "Princess, there you are" he said as he hugged me. "Killian..." "Mr Nolan" They both said as they pulled each other into a 'bro hug'. "Please, call me David?" He laughed as we all sat at the table.

"If you don't mind asking sir, but you were announced missing, what happened?" Killian asked. "Ah it's not a problem Killian. But yeah I was missing for a few weeks. Then when I found my way back to base I knew I needed to get home to my family. They matter the most to me" He smiled as my dad kissed the top of my head, making Killian smile. "Aye... as are mine" He said sadly but smiled.

David PoV:

I stood up to clear some of the dishes away and to grab the next course . When I reached the door I turned back just for no particular reason but my eyes caught glance of Emma and Killian's feet caught up in one another. Emma's other foot gliding up and down his leg.

My heart was going a hundred miles an hour and it felt like all the colour drained from my face. I shook my head in disbelief before going back into the kitchen.

Did I really just see that?

Writers PoV:

The meal was over and they were just sat on the sofa engaging in general conversation when David stood up suddenly, "Killian?"

Killian glanced up to see David with his fists balled and a reddened expression. "A-are y-yo-you..." he sighed as he looked at Emma. "A-are you wanting a drink?" he quickly changed his question. Killian looked down for a second before catching a glimpse at Emma. "Ahh, no thank you sir" He smiled as he settled back down. "No no, I insist" he said as he walked to a cupboard and pulled out a bottle. "Whiskey alright?" He asked. "Hmm yeah that's great thanks" Killian said, avoiding any eye contact with Emma's tear-filled eyes.

Killian was handed the glass and he took a sip of the forbidden liquid; he sighed and thanked him once again. But when he finally found the courage to look and Emma and she looked liked she was about to burst into tears. "I'll clean the dishes" she announced as she rushed into the kitchen. "I'll help you Emma" Killian smiled before jumping up. David raised a brow but just dismissed it as he cuddled up to his wife.

Meanwhile in the kitchen Emma was scrubbing a single plate profusely. She turned around to grab another but a glass slid off the counter and shattered into a thousand pieces onto the ground.

She crouched down and started to place the shards into her hand and the tears started streaming down her face, then the anger hit her. Her fists became tighter as the blood dripped from her palms and onto the floor. Suddenly Killian walked in and saw her sobbing as she continued to pick up the broken pieces.

"Hey" He whispered as he crouched down beside her, his words covered with the scent of alcohol. She sniffled and ignored him. He look down at her hand and saw it continually getting tighter and was covered in blood. "Hey, hey stop it-" he dropped her hand and the glass fell from it. "Please stop" He whispered as he kissed the side of her head. She just shook her head and stood up. "Night Killian." She kissed his cheek before leaving the room, blood still dripping down her hand. He tried to stop her by standing in front of her but she just pushed straight past him.

"I'm going to bed, I don't feel too great. Night mom, night dad" She smiled before walking up. After about 10 minutes she heard Killian leave.

She was sat in the middle of her bed as she inspected her hand, a first aid kit right next to her. More tears rolled down her cheek as she upset herself more, when suddenly there was a knock. "Hey princess- Hey are you alright?" He asked suddenly when he saw his daughter in tears. "I'm fine" She sniffled. "No, no you're not." He stated and she just laughed weakly. "It's nothing" she explained but he wasn't having it. "It's hard to explain Dad..." she continued.

"Well would it make it any easier if I already knew what it might be about. Emma, are you and Mr Jones-" he started but was cut off by a loud gasp as his daughter caught on. "Oh my god" she cried as she stood up. She stumbled against her closet door and cried her eyes out.

"I don't know what to do Dad!" She screamed as it felt like there was an anchor on her chest and her heart beating like a drum.

"Emma, I need you to calm down." He spoke sternly when he noticed his daughter had stopped crying, and more importantly, breathing regularly. "Emma, Emma please calm down for me, just breathe. Come on, can you take a breath for me? Emma? Emma!"

His voice became raised when he saw his daughters body slip beneath herself and she fell down onto the ground as she slipped out of consciousness.


A/N- Mwuhahahhaha 😂😂❤️❤️❤️ You Guys should like the next chapter (psssttt smut)

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