Chapter 15| Ill keepings

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I wake up when I feel something below me moving. I jump up in a panic when I see Killian beneath me. We fell asleep together? Oh my gosh I fell asleep on top of him. This is bad!

I dash to the kitchen where I see the the small microwave light reading 4:45am. Crap, Moms going to be so mad. I grab my jacket and walk back over to the couch where Killian is sleeping. I crouched down and stroked his cheek bone. "Sleep well Killian" I whispered before I turned away. I heard a few noises come from is apart lips but I carried on and silently closed the door behind me.

I ran down the 4 flights of stairs before running out into the pouring rain. I ran in the direction of my house and kept on running until I reached my house. I climbed over the fence and looked up to my window. I put my foot in the brick work and climbed my way up to my open window. I climbed in and fell onto the floor with a loud thud. I heard a few doors open so I quickly jumped into my bed and closed my eyes, pretending to be asleep. I heard my door open for a few moments before it closed quietly again.

I sighed but I felt my eyes become heavy. I told myself in my mind to get out of my wet clothes but my body was in the paralysis of sleep.


I woke up with a heavy head and a sore throat. Damn I should have gotten out of them clothes. I signed and had a shower before getting ready and grabbing my bag. I ran downstairs and got a cereal bar before running out of the door.

When I got to school, I went straight to his classroom but he wasn't there. I figured he hadn't arrived yet so I stuck around, looking at all the wall displays.

I was knocked out of my thoughts when I heard some rustling behind me. I turned around and saw Killian fiddling with his briefcase.

Walking over to him, I kissed him gently before he even had the chance to lift his head up. "Morning sleepy head" I whispered. "Ah, morning love" he said before pulling my arm back and into his arms. He rested his chin on the top of my head.

"Hmm, you ran away this morning I noticed" he whispered back. "Y-yeah" I stuttered. He paused for a moment, as did I. "S-swan?" He asked pulling away. "Why did you leave?" I froze for a moment, trying to think of an answer that won't offend him. "I-It just freaked me out a little, you know. You literally asked me to be your girlfriend yesterday and I've already slept on top of you at your apartment. It freaked me out. I don't know I guess- I guess it just freaked me out because I feel like we're rushing it a bit. I just want to take things slow. I want to enjoy every moment with you." I croaked out and my throat began to throb. "No I understand. It's fine, it's completely up to you my love" He whispered before kissing my temple.

I coughed as my throat began to itch and I literally saw his face drop. "You're sick aren't you?" He questioned. Damn, I've been caught. I looked up into his eyes and he gave me a knowing look. "M-maybe" I slightly smiled. "Go home swan, you're sick." He stated. "Uh no thanks, one, I can't miss school and two, I don't want to see my mom right now" I explained. "I know you want to take things slow: but go back to my apartment." He suggested before digging for his keys. "Here. Go to sleep and rest, you'll feel a lot better." He said before handing me his keys. "Killian!" I wined as he placed the keys in my palm. "Emma that's enough. You're sick and you are going to get better at my apartment or not. I'll be back to check on you at lunch if I can" He said before swiftly pecking my lips.

I sighed and turned around. The first bell hadn't gone so I just walked out of school and made my way back into town. I approached his apartment and I reluctantly walked in. I placed my bags and shoes by the door and walked over to the couch. I rested my head down and awkwardly laced a blanket over me.

I tried to fall asleep but I kept on being hit with this wave of nausea. I tried taking a drink and eating but the moment I swallowed a cracker it all came back up.

I ran to the bathroom and hurled myself at the toilet as I spilled out my guts. Everything was coming up and did do for ten minutes plus before I felt my hair being pulled behind me.

I had no time to look back before I was back to being hunched over, but I knew who it was. "Now you see why I wanted you to stay home" He smartly remarked as I wiped my mouth away. "Just go away!" I growled as a tear slipped from my eye. "Hey, Hey Love I was joking" he said as he brought me into his arms. "I was just joking " he whispered again.

I couldn't even smile I felt that embarrassed. "Come on love, you can sleep in my bed" he said as he picked me up. "No! What if I vomit again!" I cried. "Then, I will clean it up. Here's a bucket. I've got to get back, sleep tight my love" He said as he kissed my forehead when I snuggled down into his sheets. That's when I felt the exhaustion take over me and I fell into a very deep sleep.


After the day at Killian's, I went home and was in my own bed. Killian texted me throughout the next day as I didn't return to school the next day but it was a nice thing for him to do. I was so lucky to have him....

A/N: Rushed chapter sorry. Life's crap and I have stuff to deal with. Vote and comment, I'm loving the support x

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