Chapter 26| Mistaken Kisses

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Sorry I did not mean to republish this, wattpad keeps partially deleting parts so I have to re write it. Sorry! Chapter on Sunday!💛

Some strong language and some sad/disturbing parts x

Killian POV:

The moment Emma closed that door I felt a powerful urge to punch something, anything. I snapped my head around and the first thing I saw was one of the cupboards which were mounted on the wall. I made a chased decision before throwing my fist into it with all the strength I had.

The plank of wood caved in and punctured as the skin on my hand and wrist tore away with the splints of wood. An unbelievable sense of pain shot through my ring finger as I flinched my hand away from the hole I had just made. "Ah fucking hell!" I screamed. Before throwing my fist into the marble on the counter tops in the kitchen.

What the actual fuck have I just done. I've just ruined any chance of a happy relationship with Emma. I've ruined everything now and she won't ever take me back. I've lost her trust, I've ruined her faith,

I've ruined her chance of being happy.

I sigh heavily before grabbing a back of frozen peas and hesitantly resting it on my knuckles. The moment the bag skimmed my knuckles I flinched it away as another sense of anger washed over me. Keep it together.

I was frustrated.

Not at Emma, but because of Emma. I was so stupid in letting her go. I should have just let her have what she wanted because I was meant to be the responsible, grown up one in the relationship but instead I got so butt-hurt over a stupid sheet.

I viciously threw back the still-slightly-warm covers before I jumped in. My hand was still throbbing with pain as I settled down into the sheets. The moment I closed my eyes a very familiar smell hit my nostrils.

Emma's perfume.

The moment it hit me my heart became heavy with guilt and I felt tears prick my eyes. Come on, be a man. But the stronger the smell got, the more I realised I was missing her and the more I realised how I have messed up. I felt the stray tear roll down my cheek and I swiftly wiped it away. I shuffled down into the covers which intoxicatingly smelt of her before dozing in and out of a disruptive sleep.

Groggy and exhausted, I flipped over and looked at my clock. 4am. I sighed heavily when I noticed that I was wide awake. Whilst I sat up, I swung my legs over the side and onto the ground. I walked over to my draws before pulling out some black shorts and a navy blue t-shirt. I grabbed some socks and slipped on my trainers before making my way to the kitchen. I needed a run, and a very long one at that.

I switched on the light and my attention instantly switched to my fingers. My left hand was the size of a melon and it was developing into a sickening shade of purple. My focus, however, switched up to the cupboard which had a fist hole through it. Damn that's going to need to be replaced. But I didn't dwell. I just made my way to the door and walked out.

I lazily walked to the head of the stairs where I rubbed my eyes but the moment I moved my hand out the way, my heart stopped.

I couldn't breathe, I couldn't move initially when I saw her. She was laying there lifeless as a dried puddle of blood surrounded her.

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