Chapter 44| Swan Song

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Penultimate chapter. I really hope you enjoy. x
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Swan song- the final performance or activity of a person's career.

The plane touched back down in Portland and Killian drove us back to Storybrooke. The last week has been amazing; just getting to spend quality time with Killian was great and it was just nice to spend time out of Storybrooke where I was able to hold his hand and kiss him without feeling like I was going to get caught. I could feel that it had done wonders to our relationship and it's made me less of a nervous wreck for the future and what might happen between me and Killian.

After Hawaii the summer passed so fast. The weeks had passed and we were both into our last 2 weeks of summer. Killian was obviously going back to teaching and I was soon to start at a college 5 minutes out of Storybrooke. Nervous was an understatement.

But the future didn't matter right now because I was awoken from my daze by Killian grabbing my leg as he focused on the road. He was taking me on a date to Portland. The idea was mine; there's a fair there and my inner child really wanted to go so me and Killian made it a date.

"It's almost a year since I met you" He smiled as he squeezed my thigh. "I know" I smiled back. He pulled into the parking lot and ran round the car to reach my door. I kissed his cheek as a thank you and he blushed slightly. "Hmm, I love making you go all shy" I smiled as he scratched his nervous point behind his ear.

I grabbed his hand, "Let me drive next time" I suggested and he nodded. We walked into the maze of ride, stalls and flashing lights. The smell of burgers and cotton-candy floating in the air. "What do you want to do first love?" He asked as we spun around. "Maybe we should go on the rides before we eat, that could be a disaster" I laughed as he walked us to a ride that was spinning a lot. I grinned in excitement. "I'm such a child" I laughed and so did he. "Aren't we all" He followed.

We buckled up and the countdown began and I grabbed Killian's hand. Suddenly the engines rumbled and the and the ride began to spin. It got quicker and quicker but me and Killian could not stop laughing at all the strange sounds we were making.

"That was so fun" We laughed at the same time before going on a few other rides. Killian grabbed me hand and started to walk to the Ferris-wheel as I saw the sun starting to set. I pulled him back. "I don't like heights" I admitted abruptly. "Are you sure? I'll keep you safe I promise. There's an amazing view at the top." He tried to convince me. "Promise me you'll hold me the whole way round?" I compromised and he smiled sadly, "Of course I will. I promise you'll love it when you're at the top"

We were the next in line and finally our pod came around. Killian stepped in and offered me a hand. I paused, do I really want to do this? Don't do it, it could go wrong. Do it, look what you will miss out on. "Swan, stop talking to the demon in your head and get in" He said with confidence. "I-I-I- can't do it... What's this going to do?" I mumbled back. Why does my wall go up now? "This isn't about the bloody wheel Emma. It's about you putting your faith in me." He responded as he grabbed my hand. "I'll keep you safe, I promise." He continued. The moment he promised the wall vanished and I found my legs were moving for me as I stepped into the carriage. The door hadn't even closed yet and I was curling into Killian's side. He wrapped both his arms around me and squeezed me tight when suddenly the ride started to move.

My eyes were closed tight when suddenly the ride jolted to a stop. I gripped on even tighter when Killian started to whisper sweet nothings in my ear. "Just other people are getting on love, were fine" He hugged me when he noticed I started to cry. The ride continued to move when suddenly it stopped again. I didn't dare look, I knew how high we were. "Love look, were at the top. Come look at the view. You're safe, I promise" He said as he let go of me. I took my face out of his shoulder and grabbed his hand. I looked in front of me and saw the view- Killian was right, it was amazing. My grip on his hand was still very tight but even a smile was on my face. "Don't cry" He whispered as he grabbed my face. He began to wipe away my tears with the pad of his thumbs before pressing and gentle kiss to my forehead and then my nose.

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