Chapter 20| The return of him...

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A/N: I'm sorry I should have pointed this out a few chapters ago, but watch Killian's actions from Chapter 16 and from now on, it leads to a big plot twist thing which is probably obvious but it builds suspense right? Last 2 chapters were really important for the story.
Don't forget to comment and vote x Love you all

Emma POV:
It had been about a week and a half since New Year and I don't think I had ever felt as happy. My relationship was going great (although me and Killian never had a repeat of New Years morning, but that was my fault) Me and Ruby were closer than ever and things between me and Mom were well... we were civil.

But with all good things still comes school. Damn I hated that place.

It's just full of cliques with overly inflated egos and teachers who think they are the bees-knees.

With the exception of my Killian.

He does have a big ego but I know that behind his "male bravado" facade he has a heart of gold and is all cute and shy. He doesn't show the sensitive side of him often but I am determined to change that.


I walk up to the door of school and I make my way to the cafeteria. I find Ruby at our table but she's turned in her chair and facing another crowd of people. Most would classify these people as 'nerds' but in my eyes they were just the quiet people, a bit like me. But anyway, she was talking to Victor, I think that's his name. I sat next to him in bio sophomore year and he was amazing at it.

I walked up to the table but she instantly turned around to me. She leaned back in the not-so-comfortable chair as she kicked her feet up onto the table. "Miss Emma Marie Nolan, I believe that you have buried this conversation deep enough into the ground thinking I would drop the subject. What on earth happened with you on New Year's Eve!" She practically screamed which caused a few to turn their heads. I blushed immediately at the thought of Killian's length I'm my hands but I was interrupted by a very loud squeal. "Oh my god to totally lost your virginity!" She shouted in a whisper. "No-no Ruby I did not!" I hissed back but continued to blush. "Then why are you blushing?!" She sassed back. I didn't think it was possible but I turned even redder. "We may have done other stuff okay?! Happy now?" I sighed but Ruby made a very very loud scream in excitement which made almost everyone turn.

I slapped her arm. "Ruby. Seriously. Shut. Up" I hissed as everyone turned back to their tables. We both sighed and fell back in the chairs, "So who's the lucky guy anyway?" She asked casually,  but I blushed again, god damn you Killian Jones. "Um- we both want things to be quiet right now" I mumbled. She raised a brow but didn't question it, which I was thankful for. "What about you, are you talking to anyone?" I said with a wink. She sighed and opened her mouth, about to say something but the bell rung. "That's a story for another time Em" She said with a smirk before leaving for her class. I had English so I walked the opposite way.

I walked into the class and the lesson began before she assigned us a creative writing assignment. We had to do a presentation on a feeling. Seems easy right? Well it isn't, especially when you get paired with the one person you wish you didn't, Neal.

I sighed the moment the teacher said his name. He had an idiotic grin on his face but I just threw daggers at him, mentally of course. But in some ways it was good. He never does any work ever so I would basically working on this solo on this. And I chose a pretty good topic. Love.


English was soon over along with the majority of my classes so I walked into the cafeteria and located Ruby. Once again she was sat talking to Victor but this time he was sat at our table. "Um- hey Ruby-" I said awkwardly as I sat down. "Ah Emma, this is Victor. He's well- you know" she smirked and blushed, I caught on pretty quickly. "Awe, well I'm happy for you guys" I said as I relaxed a little.

The 3 of us spent lunch together and it was quite fun. Seeing Ruby happy made me happy but it also made me feel guilty about not telling her about Killian. Speaking of Killian, I have him for final period.

When the bell rang we all made our way to his class because we all had it at the same time. We walked in but I wasn't greeted by his homely gaze but instead he was sat at his desk practically pulling his hair out. His expression? Lost and stressed came to mind. But I couldn't exactly do anything so I just took a seat at the back.

He stood up and his brows furrowed into an angry expression. "Right! There has been rumours passed around that apparently there's some form of 'cheat sheet' going around. And I'm sorry to say this but I do not believe that half of this class got full marks on this paper!" He shouted. The class fell silent. "That's enough! You know I don't tolerate any form of disrespect or cheating in this class so I suggest you own up now!" He screamed. Everyone turned to to whisper each other. "Emma Nolan!" He screamed. Whoa, what the actual hell... My jaw dropped, practically to the floor. Everyone laughed with me. His stare turned sharper. "Right that's enough Miss Nolan. Out the class. Now!" He shouted as he pointed vigorously to the door.

I stood up angrily and marched out the class, making sure I death glared at him. He followed me out the door. "What the hell Killian!" I shouted with a slight laugh in my voice. "Don't push me Emma..." He warned cautiously. "No. Don't push me. What have I even done? I don't even know about any cheat sheets!" I said firmly, standing my ground.

His eyes fell dark before he grabbed the back of my head and pushed me against the wall. He attacked my neck with his teeth and lips before I quickly pushed him off. "No. Not when you're being like this." I stated before pushing past his shoulder and back into class. He was right behind me so I just rolled my eyes at Ruby and sat back down.

Class was quickly over and everyone fled the room in fear of him. Mr Stress-head returns, yippee. "What the hell was that Killian!" I shouted the moment the last person left the room. His saddening eyes gazed into my eyes before he turned to the wall beside him and threw his fist into it. I flinched slightly at this outburst but I composed myself when I saw his hand begin to bleed. "You idiot!" I shouted as I reached for his first aid kit. "I'm sorry Emma" He said sadly as he looked down. I lifted his chin up with my fingers "Hey... What's going on?" I asked quietly.

"Just my brother being an idiot. It wound me up. And finding out one of you, very capable, kids was cheating boiled my blood. I'm so sorry I didn't mean to yell at you, just snapped I guess." He apologised with a sad voice. "I understand that, but you should trust me enough to know I would never do such a thing." She mumbled angrily as she wrapped up his hand in a bandage. "You can't snap at me like that. I'm your girlfriend." I stated again before bringing his hand to my cheek.

"Promise me you won't do this again?" I asked hopefully. "I'll try my love, I'm so sorry." He whispered before gently pulling me onto his lap. I wrapped my arms around his torso and rested my ear against his racing heart beat. "Emma?" He asked quietly. "Hmm?" I mumbled as I pulled away. "I'm so sorry" He whispered. I looked into his glistening eyes and pressed a gentle kiss onto his lips. I pulled away and his eyes were still closed so I snuggled back into his side.

"It's fine..." I whispered.

When in reality it wasn't...

A/N: Sad ish chapter sorry? Hope you are enjoying it. Let me know what you are thinking about it and what's going to happen. Don't forget to vote aswell. Xx

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