Chapter 14| The best of me

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A/N: Some strong language in this chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment throughout x

I went home and I was instantly screamed at by my mom. She was never really one to curse to often but when she did: you knew it was serious.

"Emma Marie Nolan. Where the fucking hell have you been!" She screamed loudly, causing a lump to form in my throat. I know she would never hurt me but when she gets angry like this, I begin to fear the worst.

"I-i was just at school. I-im s-s-sorry" I stuttered out, my hands beginning to shake. "Then why are you so late back Emma! No call, no text, nothing!" She shouted back. "God forbid I was at school longer than I was 'supposed to be'. God forbid I want to do well in school. And god fucking forbid, mom, I come home 20 minutes late! I'm nearly 18 mom, lay off a little!" I argued back. "EMMA DONT YOU DARE SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT. I AM YOUR MOTHER AND I DO NOT EXPECT FOR YOU TO TALK TO ME IN THAT WAY! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!" She shouted back. I concluded in my mind that I wasn't going to win this fight so I just nodded my head. "Congratulations mom, you managed to change a really happy day into a really crappy one" I mumbled sadly. I saw the colour drain from her face when she realised how angry she just became.

I sighed heavily and turned around with tears in my eyes. "Emma wait." She said sternly yet sorrow in her voice."Don't. Not now" I gritted without even turning back. I ran up the stairs and slammed my bedroom door. I jumped onto my bed and wrapped myself up in my blankets. My eyes began to burn and there was a tightness in my throat. Holding back my emotions was something I was never particularly good at, but I was just frozen. I was never able to make my mom happy, no matter what I did. Everything i did, it was always wrong, she never saw any good in me.

I let out a loud sob as the tears soaked my pillow.

She just had to ruin my day. Today has got to be one of the best days and she just ruined it. I got a boyfriend, a freaking boyfriend! I got my first ever boyfriend and she ruined the day. Ugh I wish I could call him right now and be in his arms but we never got each other's numbers.

Knock knock. "Emma? Emma someone is on the phone for you. Can a come in." My mom called through the door. Oh, so now she wants to be nice. "Leave it by the door and go!" I grumbled before I heard her walk away. I cleared my throat and wiped my tears before opening my door. I picked up the phone which was on the floor a took a seat back on my bed.

"Hello?" I sniffled quietly. "Love? Love are you alright?" He worried. "Yeah- yeah I'm fine, I'm fine" I said whilst trying to stop myself from crying. "Emma." He said, "I know you're not okay." He stated. The moment he said that, I broke down in tears. "Emma. What's wrong?." He raised his voice. "C-can I come and see you?" I sobbed out. "Emma of course, of course" He said frantically as he rummaged for what sounded like his keys. "Let me pick you up. I'll be at the bottom of your street in five" He said as he slammed the door. "Y-yeah. I just really need you" I cried loudly as I slipped on my jacket. "I'll be with you soon love, don't worry, don't worry, I'm here." He hushed as he slammed to door. I said goodbye and ran downstairs as I tried to leave as quickly as possible.

"Emma wait! I'm sor-" My mum said. "DONT!" I screamed back before running out of the door. I ran up the road and out to the cross road where I saw his black Audi. I saw the door open and Killian came running towards me. "Love." He whispered as he opened his arms up. "Killian" I whispered back as I collapsed into his arms.

His hand ran up and down my back as her rocked me back and fourth. "Emma!" I heard shouted from the distance. Oh crap, mom. "W-we gotta go. That's my mom." I cried. He quickly opened the door for me and I jumped in as he ran around. I looked out the blacked-out window and I saw her running around a corner. "Go!" I cried before he drove away quickly.

Soon enough we arrived at his apartment building and he walked me inside. The moment I set foot through the door I broke down onto the floor in tears. But this time I didn't fall, well not on to the floor but into his arms. He was dragged onto the floor along side me and he wrapped his arms around my shoulders. "Shhh, shhh it's okay" He hushed me as I snuggled up into his side, the tears no longer falling. "She hates me, she hates me" I repeated over and over as he kissed my cheek. "Hey. Hey," He said sternly. "Look at me." I looked up into his icy blue eyes and observed his expression. "She does not hate you." He said bluntly whilst wrapping his arms round the back of my knees. "She's must be angry or upset. But she does not hate you." He said as he stood up, carrying me over to the sofa. "Maybe you're right, but can we not talk about it. I just want to be in your arms right now." I mumbled into his chest as he switched on his tv. "Of course my love"

I smiled as I snuggled up to him. He spun my legs across his thighs so I was facing him as he flicked over to the movie channel. "What do you want to watch. Hocus Pocus or The Best of Me?" He asked as he looked into my eyes. "Hmm. The Best of Me" I said. Sad film? Yes. Favourite film? Yes.

We were watching the film when a sudden thought came into my mind. "Killian?" I hugged him awake whilst laughing. Of course he fell asleep. "Hmm, what's wrong love?" He said frantically, placing his hands either side of my cheek. "It okay, I'm fine. I just wanted to know how you got my number?" I asked. He instantly scratched behind his ear. "Oh-erm. Well seen as we didn't exchange mobile numbers, I got your house phone from school and yeah" He said nervously. God he was cute. "Hey it's fine, I was just wondering." I replied. "Hmm, good" he mumbled into my hair as he pulled me closer. I rested my hands on his jaw "You could have lost your job you idiot" I mumbled into the crook of his neck. "Hmmm, it was worth it" He said as I looked deeply into his eyes, my thumb stroking his cheek bone.

He looked back into my eyes and then down to my lips. I stayed frozen, enjoyed the moment. I closed my eyes when I felt his lips gently press against mine. "Thankyou" I mumbled as my eyes began to draw heavy. "For everything" I whispered and the sound of both mine and his heartbeat fell into the rhythm sleep.

A/N: Sorry it's late. I've have hospital appointments all week. Don't forget to vote and comment. Also thanks for 1k views!💕💕

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