Chapter 21| Meet my brother

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A/N: So sorry for the slow updates! I've had a lot of school stuff to do but it should clear up this week. But also at the same time I don't want to update this too quickly because it ruins the suspense. But thank you so so much for 2k+ reads! I love you all so much! THANK YOU!

Oh yeah by the way this chapter has a lot of sexual tension in it. It didn't originally but i kept laughing at the stuff I was writing because it sounded wrong so this happened.

Don't forget to Comment and Vote what you think x

Killian POV:

I sighed as I loaded my laptop into it's bag. I pushed in my desk chair and just as I was about to switch off the classroom lights for the weekend I felt some arms snake across my torso and their cheek against my back. I flinched slightly at the initial shock but I quickly recovered when I realised the only person it could be.

"Hello Little one" I said as a blush crept up on my cheeks. I felt her nose nuzzle between my shoulder blades as her grip around me got tighter. "Hello Mister" She trailed off before reluctantly letting go. The moment I spun around she wrapped her arms round my neck, craving that warmth once again.

"Are you going straight home?" She asked casually. "Yeah, yeah I think so, why?" I questioned. "No reason, well, it's just that Moms gone for the weekend to visit some friends in Boston. She does it sometimes. Anyway I was wondering maybe you would like to come back to my place. We could cook dinner maybe or just-" She rambled on so I cut her off quickly. "Emma. Are you sure? It could be risky and very bad if I got caught." I explained, I really didn't want her to get in trouble for this, as attractive as the offer sounded. "Come on Killian, if i'm honest my Mom would rather stay in Boston than be with me. She won't come back early or anything like that." She explained with sadness in her voice as she looked down at her feet. I lifted her head back up and pulled her into my chest. "Hey, hey i'm sorry. You didn't have to tell me that. I shouldn't have questioned you. I would love to have dinner with you." I whispered as I stroked her back to comfort her.

She pulled away and smiled. I grabbed her hand and backed her against the wall. "We can have dinner at your house but I don't want you sleeping here alone, you can sleep at my place if you want?" I mumbled as I glanced between her twinkling eyes and her plump lips. "Hmm I like that idea..." She hummed before licking her lips.

I felt my pupils grow and certain parts of my body come alive. This bloody woman. I swiftly licked my lips before gently grabbing her face in my hands and attacking her lips.


They walked hand in hand up to Emma's 'picturesque' house. She rummaged for her key in her bag before eventually finding it. Wow I need to clean this out she thought. They made their way in and they went straight to the kitchen. It was 5:30 already so they figured it was just easier making dinner now.

After a little dispute they finally agreed on making Carbonara. Emma was stiring the sauce and Killian was preparing the pasta. "Killian?" She asked as she licked the spoon. He swiftly turned his head and saw her liking the spoon in a very provocative manner. Once again his eyes grew dark and his tongue began to trace his inner cheek. "Yes love?" He mumbled as he edged himself closer to her, his front pressed against her side. She wrapped her arm around his hip, almost pulling him into a side hug. She dipped the spoon into the white sauce and brought it up to his quivering lips. "Does this taste alright?" She asked as she guided it into his mouth.

His adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed the hot liquid. His hips pressed into her side a little further as he licked his lips clean. When suddenly he found a way to get back at her for what she was doing to him. "Hmm it's perfect... Just like you..." He whispered as he kissed her temple.

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