Chapter 12| Im temporarily kidnapping you.

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My breathing was heavy as I looked into his sapphire gems. "M-m-mr Jones?" I panted out, turning my stare away from his. I watched the rain as it patted onto the window, accompanied by the occasional crack of thunder. "Love, stop." He gritted angrily through this teeth. whoa, what have I done?! "After everything, call me Killian, please." He stated as he began to relax. "Um-okay, Killian. Why am I in your car right now?" I said sassily, applying emphasis on his name. A smirk formed on his face and his eyes grew dark. "Hmm, well if it wasn't for me, love, you could have been in a sticky situation." He spoke, mocking me by emphasising 'love'. I could feel a tension between the two of us rise. "Hmm, alright whatever" His face became white as a ghost and a serious look spread across his face. "But seriously love, are you okay? He didn't hurt you or anything, did he?". I hesitantly asked, stroking my upper arm gently. "No, no I'm fine, I'm fine. I'm just glad someone came to help me." I replied with a sweet smile.

I glanced back to him as he drove through the empty streets. I now only really began to take notice of how handsome he really was. He had a dark scruff along his jaw where it was greeted with his luscious black locks. His piercing blue eyes were tightly focused on the road and his muscular arms arms gripped the steering wheel, turning his knuckles white. I looked back up and I saw the tight expression across his face, his jaw was clenching and un-clenching. His dark brows were furrowed together.

I leaned over and placed my hand over his forearm. "Hey, what's wrong?" I asked concerned. "Nothing, well not really. Would you care if I temporarily kidnapped you right now?" He slightly chuckled but a serious tone behind it all. I hesitated for a moment, curious as to why but I knew I could trust him, I've trusted him with everything else. "Uh- yeah? I guess so?" I laughed. He smiled back with glistening eyes when he took a turn away from my house. We kept driving for a few more minutes before we pulled up to the park where I saw him the other day. We both remained static or a few moment before I decided to break the tension.

"So, aren't you going to tell me why you are kidnapping me?" I laughed as I shifted in my seat to look at him. "We're going to talk." He said seriously before jumping out the car and slamming the door. He stalked around the car and opened the door up but soon walked away, leaving it for me to close myself.

He was a few metres ahead and was at a quickening pace. "Killian wait! Why did you bring me here, the truth!" I shouted at the rain rattled onto the ground. "Because Emma! You can't mess with people like that!" He shouted back but carried on his walk. "What do you mean?! What did I do!" I screamed back, almost in tears. "We kissed and you pushed me away. At first you were angry but then you just began to flirt again and I can't take it not knowing if there is something between us or not. That's why!" He screamed even louder. And that's when I felt a warm tear roll down my cheek. He was right, I had lead him on. "Look, I'm sorry I lead you on but it hasn't been any easier for me. I freaking kissed you! And no matter how much I feel for you, we both know this could never happen." I replied quietly this time. He stopped his hunt and turned around to see me a far way behind him. He came back over to me so we were close and he noted that I was shivering. He took off his suit jacket and draped it over my shoulders. I smiled slightly, silently thanking him. "Look I'm sorry for being an asshole. After the kiss I was confused and angry, so when you started to flirt: I became more confused. I didn't know whether this was to wind me up or if you truly meant the intentions that you were saying. For gods sake Emma I would risk my whole career for you-!" He screamed loudly.

I froze. And realisation hit me like a train. He was the one I needed right now. He has become the one who I trusted the most, with everything.

I looked up into his eyes as tears streamed out of mine. "You'd risk your job for me?" I whispered. "Aye" His voice cracked with emotion. I looked up into his watery eyes as the rain continued to pour. I felt myself leaning in and allowing my lips to be captured in his. I stood up on my toes as his hands rested on my waist. I wrapped my hands around his neck to pull him closer to me. The kiss was slow and gentle but no less passionate. His soft lips glided along mine like ice as I began to play with the hair on the back of his neck. After a few more moments, he pulled away with an adorable smile.

"That was..." He whispered, gently touching his lips. "Definitely not a one-time thing" I replied breathlessly before wrapping my arms around his torso and lying my head on his chest. But he pulled away again. He looked into my eyes with a wide smile, his swollen lips slightly parted as if he was about to say something. "What?" I giggled, jokingly pulling away from his hold. "I-I just desperately need to kiss you" He grinned again before lightly cupping my chin and gently guiding my lips to his. The kiss was even slower than before but it was as if all our emotions had been poured into this kiss.

We broke apart and we made our way back to his car. No one said a word but it was a comfortable silence. I climbed in and he shut the door behind me. He walked back over and also got in; igniting the engine. "D-do you want to come back to my apartment. Y-you know, to dry off?" He adorably stuttered whist scratching a spot behind his ear. I awkwardly nod my head and he drives away. After five minutes we pull up into a tower block. It's covered with mossy-grey panels and large windows looking over the town. It about 5 floors high with a tumbling staircase down the side.

He pulls his car into a space and quickly jumps out, running to unlock the door for me. I smile widely at him and gently nudge his arm, silently thanking him. I jump out and we both make a sprint for the door. He leads the way and I'm close behind. He swiftly types a code on the intercom and the gates open with a loud buzzer. He sets off on the stairs and we finally make are way up to the 4th floor, flat 205. He unlocks the door where I am greeted by a very homely smell. I take a step in and I am amazed. The place is like a wooden cabin. Dark leather sofas, a log burner, mahogany wood kitchen countertops. It was cosy. "Woah, cute place" I thought aloud. He threw my a cheeky smirk as I felt my cheeks burn red.

He disappeared into what I guess was his bedroom whilst I took a seat on the floor next to the fire in an attempt to warm up. He soon came back however. He was dressed however in a white shirt which defined his chest and he wore black sweatpants. He came over to me with some oversized navy sweatpants and a grey hoodie. "Wow, I'm already wearing your clothes. You move quickly" I joked, but he awkwardly laughs. "Yeah, well... Just go get changed, the bathrooms just to the left." He directed.

I made my way into this beautiful bathroom and I peeled off my wet clothes. I climbed into the clothes Killian gave me and I brought up the sleeves to my nose. Inhaling the scent of his cologne, I closed my eyes and absorbed it all. Knock knock. "Emma? You alright in there?" He called. "Um-yeah, it just took me a while to take my shirt of, you know, with it being wet." I called back. "Oh, uh-um. I would offer my help but- have you got my hoodie on now?" He stuttered back. I grabbed the handle and unlocked the door. I was greeted with a slight smile and his adorably messy hair which was matted down by the rain.

We down by the fire, both cross legged, staring at the hypnotic flames. We were in silence for a long time, but a comfortable one. The occasional time I would catch him staring at me which made me smile like a school kid. But I knew I had to go home, oh gosh, mom was sure to kill me.

I stood up without saying anything, grabbed my clothes and slipped on my shoes. "Thank you for having me. And keeping my dry." I said shyly. Seriously, why go shy now Emma! "It's nothing, here, let me walk you out"

We stepped out into the hall and I turned to face him. His eyes glanced down at my lips and back to my eyes, myself doing the same. And that when I felt that rush of energy again. He leaned down to where out noses where barley touching, our breathes mingled together and he carried on moving torcherously slow when suddenly we heard a door slam. "Oh Killian! It's so good to see you boy!" The elderly woman said as she grabbed for his now burning red cheeks. "Oh, hello Mrs-" "Call me Ethel, I've told you this." She snapped. "Aya, Sorry" He replied. "So, is this your date son?" The woman asked. My cheeks burned bright red and so did his. "Uh-oh, n-no s-shes just a f-f-friend" He stuttered, scratching that spot behind his ear. Wait what! "Hmm, if it helps you sleep." The frail voice of the elderly woman mocked, causing us all to smile.

I left him with a kiss of the cheek as he continued to talk with his neighbor. I made my way home and went up to bed. And all that spun around in me head were the words 'she's just a friend'

An: Two chapters this week. Sorry to leave it on a cliffhanger 💕💕😂😉

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